Add a related report

Include related records in a report to provide a more in-depth look at your data. Related reports can be inserted below the details subsection of a report section only. These related reports include the same subsections as a stand-alone report, such as the Report Header and Page Footer. The Report Header, Report Footer, Page Header, and Page Footer subsections are added, but they are turned off by default.

To include a related report in your report, do the following:

  1. Click the details subsection in the report view or select it in the Contents pane to activate the details subsection.
  2. On the Insert tab, in the Report group, click Related Report Add Related Report to open the Create New Related Report pane.

    Optionally, right-click the details subsection in the Contents pane and click Related Report Add Related Report to open the pane.

  3. In the Create New Related Report pane, choose a template in the Use an Esri default template drop-down menu and click Next.


    Custom templates are not available for individual related report creation. A custom template that includes related reports can be created. Use that custom template in the Create New Report pane to include prompts for establishing related reports.

  4. Type a name in the Related Report Name text box.
  5. Expand the Relate or relationship class drop-down menu to see a list of all recognized in-map relates and relationship classes.

    Only relationships that originate from the existing report data source are listed.

  6. Click Next to filter the data and specify the fields to include in the related report.
  7. Choose an option from the Rows menu to set the data filtering:
    • All rows—All related data is used in the related records report.
    • Filter by expression—Only data defined by a custom query is used in the related records report.
  8. Click Next to optionally group the related data and add sorting rules.

    • Grouping is available only if the template chosen in step 3 includes grouping. If the chosen template does not include grouping, this grouping option is not available.
    • By default, grouping is sorted in ascending order. Summary statistics (count, minimum, maximum, sum, mean, and standard deviation) can be added to the related reports group and report footer.
    • When a grouping template is used, field labels are added to the innermost group header. If no grouping field is chosen during this step, field labels are not included.

  9. Click Next to design the related report styling.
  10. Click Finish to insert the related report.

The related report appears below the details subsection of the primary report. In addition to the details subsection, the report includes a report header and footer as well as any defined group headers and footers.

You can add related reports by selecting the details subsection of the primary report, another subreport, or an existing related report. The newly inserted related report is added beneath the selected subsection. Change the order in which related reports appear by right-clicking a related report and choosing either Move Up Move Section Up or Move Down Move Section Down.


If the related data source is broken, it must be redefined. To do this, right-click the related report subsection in the Contents pane and click Properties Properties to open the Related Report Properties dialog box. On the Source tab, click the Repair Related Reports button Repair Related Reports. The Update Related Report Source dialog box appears. Select a relate in the drop-down menu and click OK. Only relates that are not currently in the report are listed. Click OK on the Related Report Properties dialog box to save this change.

If you change the main data source, the relate may no longer exist and the related records won't be exported when you share the report.