00102: <value> does not contain a required layer type for <value>

AllSource 1.3    |

You are sharing a web layer, but the map or selected layers you are publishing does not include the type of source layer required. This error occurs when unsupported layers are excluded, leaving no remaining layers that can be published as the web layer type you chose.

The type of source layer required depends on the type of web layer or capability you chose.

Web layer or capability Required source layer type

Web feature layer

Feature layer

Vector tile layer

Feature layer

Web tile layer

Feature layer or raster layer

Map image layer

Feature layer, raster layer, or stand-alone table

  • WFS
  • OGC

Feature layer

  • WCS

Raster layer

  • WMS
  • KML
  • Topographic production

Feature layer or raster layer

If you overwrite a map image layer that has additional layers and capabilities, a specific layer or data source may be required.

If you are publishing data from a cloud data warehouse, share a map image layer or a read-only web feature layer that references registered data.

The first <value> parameter is either map or selected layers. The second <value> parameter refers to the type of web layer.

Existing web layers are not a valid source for sharing as web layers. The exception is that a web feature layer can be published as a hosted web layer to an ArcGIS Enterprise 10.8 or later portal.


Do one of the following:

  • Add a layer of the required type to the map.
  • If you are sharing a vector tile layer, ensure that the layers in the map or selection are visible.
  • If you are publishing data from a cloud data warehouse, you must share one of the following:
    • A map image layer that references registered data to ArcGIS Enterprise 10.9.1 or later.
    • A read-only web feature layer that references registered data. Publishing data from the following cloud data warehouses is supported to the corresponding portal versions:
      • Google BigQueryArcGIS Enterprise 11.0 or later
      • SnowflakeArcGIS Enterprise 11.1 or later
      • Amazon RedshiftArcGIS Enterprise 11.2 or later

Additional information

Only local data sources are supported for sharing. This error occurs when you try to share an existing web layer or service. (If a required layer type is present in addition to the web layer, the error does not occur. Instead, a warning is issued indicating the layer's data source is not supported.)

To view the source of the layer, click the List By Data Source tab List By Data Source in the Contents pane. Alternatively, right-click the layer in the Contents pane, click Properties Properties, and click the Source tab on the Layer Properties dialog box.

For more information, see Analyze your GIS resource.