Constrain direction for a segment

AllSource 1.3    |

On the context menu for editing, Direction Direction locks the direction of a new line segment to a specified angular direction, including angular pitch for z-enabled features. This command is available when you create or resume editing a polyline or polygon feature.


When Ground to Grid Ground to Grid Correction is turned on, the direction values you enter are rotated for the resulting geometry. When you create two-point COGO enabled lines, the direction values you enter are stored with the feature in the Direction attribute field.

To learn more, see Turn ground to grid on or off.


You can constrain the direction of a new segment before or after specifying a distance using units defined for your project. Unit options appear in the drop-down list. To remove the constraint, press Esc.

  1. On the Edit tab, in the Features group, click Create Create Features.

    The Create Features pane appears.

  2. Click a polyline or polygon feature template.

    The template expands and displays feature construction tools.

  3. Click Line Line or Polygon Polygon.
  4. Create the first vertex using one of the following methods:
    • Click the map.
    • Right-click and click Absolute X,Y,Z Move To, or press F6, type the values on the dialog box, and press Enter.
  5. Press the A key, or right-click and click Direction Direction-Distance.

    The Direction dialog box appears.

    Direction dialog box
  6. Type the 2D and 3D directional constraint in the format that's correct for the selected units, and press Enter.
    • Horizontal—The 2D planar direction
    • Pitch—The 3D angular pitch in the z-direction

      This is available for z-enabled features only.

    The direction of the new segment locks to the specified horizontal direction and pitch.

  7. To remove the constraint, press Esc.
  8. Create the segment using one of the following methods:
    • Drag the pointer and click the map.
    • Right-click and click Distance Distance.
  9. To finish the feature, right-click and click Finish Finish or press F2.

On-screen constraints

As an alternative to using a dialog box, you can turn on On-screen Constraints and use on-screen controls to constrain the direction of a new segment. The default direction constraint can be set to calculate your value as a deflection angle or an absolute angle.

To learn more, see Turn On-screen constraints on or off.

  1. On the Edit tab, in the Features group, click Create Create Features.

    The Create Features pane appears.

  2. Click a polyline or polygon feature template.

    The template expands and displays feature construction tools.

  3. Click Line Line or Polygon Polygon.
  4. Create the first vertex using one of the following methods:
    • Click the map.
    • Right-click and click Absolute X,Y,Z Move To, or press F6, type the values on the dialog box, and press Enter.
  5. On the status bar at the bottom of the current map view, click On-screen Constraints Constraints and turn it on.

    On-screen on-screen controls appear on the map and update as you drag the pointer.

    On-screen Constraints

    On-screen constraints use the default project units. You can change them on the Options dialog box. To learn more, see Add units of measure for editing.

  6. Press the Tab key and cycle through the controls until the direction constraint appears highlighted.
  7. Type the horizontal direction or pitch value and press Enter.

    The direction of the new segment locks to the specified horizontal direction and pitch.

  8. Create the segment using one of the following methods:
    • Drag the pointer and click the map.
    • Press the Tab key. cycle through the controls until the distance constraint appears highlighted, and specify a distance.
  9. To finish the feature, right-click and click Finish Finish or press F2.