Add a symbol to Favorites

AllSource 1.3    |

After a symbol is created in the Military Overlay solution, add it to Favorites to use it again later. Favorites can be used to create a collection of commonly reused symbols that can be used repeatedly in a project.

Add a military symbol to Favorites

Favorites is a list of military symbols that can be used repeatedly in a project.

Follow these steps to add a symbol to Favorites:

  1. Open Military Overlay.
  2. Create a new symbol.
  3. Click Add Symbol To Favorites Add Item To Favorites.
  4. Click Favorites tab to see the symbol is added.

Favorites will show the new symbol in addition to any symbols added previously.


Symbols listed in Favorites are filtered based on the current Military Symbology Standard on the Settings tab. For example, if three symbols are added with MIL-STD-2525D and three more symbols with APP-6(B), only three of the six will display when either standard is selected. The symbol count below the Favorites list will show the number of symbols displayed with the selected standard out of the total symbols stored in Favorites, or "Showing 3 (MIL-STD-2525D ) / 6 favorites".

Use a symbol in Favorites

Once a symbol is added to Favorites, create a feature in the current map.

Follow these steps:

  1. Click Favorites in the Military Overlay pane.
  2. Select the desired symbol.
  3. Click Add Symbol To Map Add in the symbol preview.
  4. Click the map to add the symbol as a new feature.

    Each subsequent click on the map will add another feature.

  5. On the Mapview toolbar, click Save All Edits.

    Optionally, on the ribbon, in the Manage Edits group, click Save All Edits Save Edits.

    Alternatively, on the ribbon, in the Manage Edits group, click Save All Edits Save Edits.

Remove a symbol from Favorites

To remove a symbol from Favorites, do the following:

  1. Click Favorites in the Military Overlay pane.
  2. Select the symbol to remove.
  3. Click Remove Symbol From Favorites Remove From Favorites.

The symbol is removed from Favorites.