An overview of neighborhood classes

AllSource 1.3    |

Available with Spatial Analyst license.

Available with Image Analyst license.

There are six neighborhood classes, each of which defines a different shape or area. When a neighborhood object is defined, only the cells that have their cell centers contained within the neighborhood are actually considered to be part of the neighborhood. All tools that can take a neighborhood object do so as an optional parameter. If you do not define a neighborhood object, a default neighborhood is used.


Defines an annulus neighborhood which is created by specifying an inner and outer circles' radii in either map units or number of cells.


Defines a circle neighborhood which is created by specifying the radius in either map units or number of cells.


Defines an irregular neighborhood which is created by a kernel file.


Defines a rectangle neighborhood which is created by specifying the height and the width in either map units or number of cells.


Defines a wedge neighborhood which is created by specifying a radius and two angles in either map units or number of cells.


Defines a weight neighborhood which is created using a kernel file specifying the values to multiply the cell by that are within the neighborhood.

The following tools use neighborhood objects:


The Point Statistics and Point Density tools only use the NbrAnnulus, NbrCircle, NbrRectangle, and NbrWedge objects. They do not use the NbrIrregular or NbrWeight objects.


The neighborhood classes can also be used if you have an Image Analyst extension license, but only for the Focal Statistics tool.

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