Travel modes

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A travel mode represents a means of transportation, such as driving or walking. It defines the physical characteristics of a vehicle or pedestrian. Those characteristics are considered when performing a network analysis to determine how the vehicle or pedestrian travels and where they can go. The results of the analysis are custom-built directions, travel times, and travel paths that are optimized for the vehicle or pedestrian defined by the travel mode.

When you create a network analysis layer referencing a local or enterprise network dataset or a portal network analysis service, the new layer uses the default travel mode of the associated network dataset or service. If you create the layer using one of the network analyst geoprocessing tools, you can choose which travel mode the layer will use.

Learn more about travel modes

You can view or change the network analysis layer's travel mode property on the network analyst layer ribbon.

Network analyst ribbon travel mode setting

The travel mode is a collection of detailed settings. To view or change the settings of the current travel mode, such as the impedance attribute or restrictions, click the launch button in the Travel Settings group, or right-click a network analysis layer in the Contents pane and choose Properties. The Travel Mode page of the Layer Properties dialog box appears.

Network analyst ribbon travel mode properties launch button

Use the available controls to change the travel mode settings. To change parameter values, expand the Restrictions and Parameters section and click the row with the attribute and parameter you want to change. The parameter details appear, allowing you to edit individual parameter values.

Changing Travel Mode parameter values on the Layer Properties dialog box

When you change a travel mode setting and click OK, the changed travel mode is now a custom travel mode and is specific to that layer. The custom travel mode is no longer associated with the travel mode on the network data source and is not available for use with other network analysis layers. A custom travel mode is enclosed in angle brackets (<>) on the ribbon.

Network Analyst ribbon travel mode setting with angle brackets indicating a custom travel mode

Access travel modes on the network analysis Layer Properties dialog box

Follow these steps to access the travel modes settings on the network analysis layer properties dialog box.

  1. On the Analysis tab, in the Tools group, click Network Analysis and select an analysis layer.

    The selected analysis layer is added to the Contents pane.

  2. Right-click the analysis layer in the Contents pane and click Properties.

    The Layer Properties dialog box appears.

  3. Click Travel Mode and choose the travel mode.
  4. Learn more about the travel mode settings.