Publish standard routing services

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The standard routing services are the map and geoprocessing services that provide out-of-the-box capabilities available with Network Analyst. To perform network analysis using the different types of solvers as web services in ArcGIS Enterprise, you can publish them as standard routing services. When you publish standard routing services, ArcGIS Enterprise provides full capability and integration with out-of-the-box Esri applications such as ArcGIS AllSource and Map Viewer.

Publish standard routing services using ArcGIS Enterprise

The best way to publish standard routing services is using ArcGIS Enterprise. If you have ArcGIS Enterprise with a federated server, see Configure routing services. If you have stand-alone server, see Publish Routing Services utility. The Configure routing services and publish routing services utilities not only publish map services with network analysis capabilities but also publish geoprocessing services, which are used by ArcGIS AllSource and Map Viewer analysis tools.

Learn more about publish standard routing services using ArcGIS Enterprise

Publish standard routing services using ArcGIS Pro

Standard routing geoprocessing services can only be published using ArcGIS Enterprise, however, standard map services with network analysis capabilities can also be published using ArcGIS AllSource. For example, if you need to use a different network dataset than the one used by services published using ArcGIS Enterprise, then you can publish this one service using ArcGIS AllSource. Your organization may perform a majority of its network analysis based on street centerline data using applications such as ArcGIS AllSource or the analysis tools available in Map Viewer. At the same time, you may also need to perform analysis on an indoor transportation network representing walkways and hallways inside your campus using applications with ArcGIS Indoors. In these cases, you can use the ArcGIS Enterprise to publish all the routing services based on the network dataset created from your street centerline data. You can publish additional routing services ( as map services with the network analysis capability) based on your indoor network dataset and use these routing services with applications available with ArcGIS Indoors.

To publish standard map services with network analysis capabilities, you can use publish a map service in ArcGIS AllSource with the network analysis capability enabled using the ArcGIS Network Analyst extension.

If you are publishing from ArcGIS AllSource to ArcGIS Enterprise, refer to the Share a map image layer workflow. If you are publishing from ArcGIS AllSource to a stand-alone ArcGIS Server site, refer to Publish a map service documentation.

The first step in creating this type of routing service is to create a map in ArcGIS AllSource that contains one or more network analysis layers. When using locate service, you will also need to add the network dataset layer to the map. Then publish the map as a service, ensuring that the network analysis capability is enabled. You can consume the resulting service programmatically using ArcGIS web APIs, ArcGIS Runtime SDK, or the REST API of the service in a programming language of your choice.

Create a map

Before you can publish a routing service, you must create a map in ArcGIS AllSource that, at a minimum, contains the network analysis layer you will use in your service. You can either add an existing network analysis layer using the Add Data dialog box or create a network analysis layer. This network analysis layer, either imported or created, must use a local network dataset. If it is using a network data source from a portal (either ArcGIS Online or ArcGIS Enterprise), you cannot publish the map as a service with network analysis capability. You will also need to add the network dataset layer to the map if you are publishing Locate service.


Publishing and consuming Location-allocation and Vehicle Routing Problem operations are unavailable in the map service with network analysis capability. Do not add Location-allocation and Vehicle Routing Problem layers to the map.

You can edit the properties of the network analysis layers, such as the number of facilities to find in a Closest Facility Analysis Layer or the travel mode to be used as the default for the analysis, in ArcGIS AllSource. These properties are used as default values by the published service.

  1. Create a map using ArcGIS AllSource
  2. Add the network dataset to the map.

    The locate service is performed on a network dataset layer resource. To successfully perform a network analysis using your routing services, the routing services must identify the location on the network dataset where each analysis input lies.

  3. Create one or more network analysis layers in the map.
  4. Configure the analysis settings of the network analysis layer.

Publish the service

After you have created and saved the map, you can share the map as a map image layer from ArcGIS AllSource if your ArcGIS Server site is federated with a portal, or as a map service when publishing to a stand-alone ArcGIS Server site from ArcGIS AllSource. Enable the network analysis capability while publishing the map image layer or map service.

The following steps will publish the service as a map image layer. To publish a map service instead, see publish a map service documentation.

  1. On the Share tab, in the Share As group, click Publish Web Layer to open the Share As Web Layer pane.
  2. Complete all the information on the General tab.
  3. Check the Map Image check box under Layer Type.
  4. On the Configuration tab, configure the map image layer properties and enable network analysis capability.
  5. Click the Analyze button at the bottom of the page to analyze any potential errors or warnings.
  6. Once the validation is successful, click Publish to share the map.

To configure additional properties on the map service, see the documentation on editing routing services properties.

Use the service

You can use the routing services to include network analysis capabilities in your own custom applications. ArcGIS developers have many APIs that work with the routing services, such as the ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript, the ArcGIS REST API, or the various native ArcGIS Maps SDKs.

Learn more about the various APIs to access routing services