Work with network dataset layer symbology

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Network dataset layer symbology allows you to visualize all the elements of the network dataset. A network dataset layer stores the symbology of edges, junctions, system junctions, dirty areas, and when available, turns and traffic. Network dataset layer symbology can help with the following scenarios:

  • Increase efficiency of quality assurance and quality control of the network dataset.
  • See the dirty areas and identify the changes made in the network dataset.
  • Change the symbology of traffic.
  • Turn on or off the symbolization of specific categories (such as edges or junctions).

Rendering source categories

A network dataset layer can symbolize up to six distinct rendering source categories:

  • Edges Edges—Edges connect to other elements (junctions) and are the links over which agents travel.
  • Junctions Junctions—Junctions connect edges and facilitate navigation from one edge to another.
  • System Junctions System Junctions—When you don't create a junction source feature at the end of an edge, a system junction is created automatically when the network dataset is built.
  • Turns Turns—Turns store information that can affect movement between two or more edges.
  • Traffic Traffic—In a network that supports traffic, you can store travel speeds using two models: historical and live traffic. This allows you to visualize traffic on a map and perform network analysis given current or typical traffic speeds.
  • Dirty Areas Dirty Areas—Dirty areas allow you to see where edits to source features have been made since the last time when the source network dataset of the layer is built. Rectangles surround and highlight the portions of the network dataset that are out of date due to the edits. When you rebuild the network, only the dirty areas are rebuilt, which can be much faster than rebuilding the entire network. If properties of the network dataset are altered, the entire network dataset may be covered by a dirty area, indicating all the elements of the network need to be rebuilt.

    The following graphics demonstrate a scenario in which dirty areas are generated:

    Map of a network dataset
    This is an existing road network before any edits are made to source features.
    Map of a network dataset showing dirty areas
    Here is the same network after a road was deleted (upper right dirty area) and two roads were created (lower left dirty areas).

Learn more about network elements

Learn more about traffic

Symbology options

The Symbology Options button Symbology options allows you to show network symbology by a travel mode and the restriction status preference level.

Choose the travel mode source to be a network dataset or a network analysis layer and restriction status preference level.

Travel mode

In the Travel Mode section, you can choose the source of your travel mode to come from the network dataset or from a network analysis layer.

  • From this network dataset—When this option is selected, you can choose the available travel modes from the Name drop-down list to be used for symbolizing the elements.
  • From a network analysis layer—When this option is selected as the source, you can choose the network analysis layer from the Layer drop-down list that contains all the network analysis layers in the map that share the same local network data source. The Name option is disabled, and displays the name of the travel mode from the selected network analysis layer. If the symbolized network dataset layer is using a network analysis layer as the source for its travel mode, the travel modes of the network dataset layer and source network analysis layer can become out of sync with each other. This can happen if the travel mode of the network analysis layer is edited outside of the Symbology pane using its ribbon or property page. When this happens, you should receive a warning message. To resynchronize the network dataset layer with its source travel mode, browse to Symbology Options in the Symbology pane and run the Refresh command.
  • None—Not using a travel mode.

Restriction status

The traversable elements can be classified using more fine-grained symbolization of the actual preference level by selecting the Classify by Preference Level option.

  • Classify by Preference Level (unchecked)—This is the default. The network elements will be symbolized as Traversable, Prohibited, and Error.
  • Classify by Preference Level (checked)—The network elements will be classified as Neutral, Avoid, Prefer, Mixed (for edges), Prohibited, Error. The traversable element will be classified as one of the following: Neutral, Avoid, Prefer, Mixed (for edges).

Symbolize the category

On each of the above six source categories, you can choose to symbolize the category using a single symbol or by choosing the restriction status.

  1. Ensure the network dataset is selected in the Contents pane.
  2. Open the Symbology pane.
  3. Select the category that you want to draw on the map. For example, select the edges category and click Draw edges.

    By default, the category will use Single Symbol from the Symbology to use drop-down list and therefore you will see under Current symbol, there's only one symbol used for all the edges.

    Single symbol assigned to all the edges.

  4. To assign the symbology based on the restriction status of the edges, from the Symbology to use drop-down list, choose Restriction Status.
    The Symbology pane updates with the symbols assigned to each restriction status to the edge category.
    Edges are symbolized using their restriction status.

Change the properties of a symbolizer assigned to a category

If a category has a symbolizer assigned, it is drawn and a green check mark appears on its tab icon. You can update the properties of any category symbolizer in the Symbology pane. The pane has up to six subtabs: one for each category, and an additional tab for the symbology options. Each category, except traffic, starts with a single symbol renderer. The traffic category instead can use a symbolizer that uses multiple symbols, each one assigned to a different speed ratio range according to the specified break values.

The following is an example of the Contents pane for a network dataset layer configured with a single symbolizer assigned to each category:

Rendering source category in a network dataset layer

Learn more about symbology

Only the supported rendering source categories of the network dataset referenced by the network dataset layer will have a corresponding subtab in the Symbology pane.

To customize the properties of a single symbol type symbolizer for a category, select the appropriate category subtab in the Symbology pane and follow the steps below:

  1. Make sure a network dataset is added to the Contents pane.
  2. On the Appearance ribbon, click the Symbology button.

    The Symbology pane appears.

    Single symbol assigned to all the edges.
  3. Choose the category you want to customize.
  4. If needed, check the draw category check box—for example, Draw edges—to turn on the visibility of the source category.
  5. To change the symbology of the single symbol, follow steps 5 through 8. To customize the symbology based on the restriction status, skip to step 9.
  6. To change the symbology, click the symbol under the Current symbol section.

    The Symbology pane now has options to customize the symbol.

  7. Make the necessary changes and click the Apply button at the bottom.

    The symbology changes for the selected category.

  8. Click the Back button to return to the Symbology pane.
  9. If needed, change the label of the category by typing in the text box under Descriptions.
  10. To customize the symbology based on the restriction status, follow steps 9 through 11.
  11. From the Symbology to use drop-down list, choose Restriction Status.
  12. In the Restriction Status section, click the Symbol to customize the symbol.
  13. Optionally, click Label to customize the label.

    The Contents pane is updated with the customized symbol and label.