Copy Traversed Source Features (Network Analyst)

AllSource 1.3    |


Creates two feature classes and a table, which together contain information about the edges, junctions, and turns that are traversed while solving a network analysis layer.

Learn about the output from Copy Traversed Source Features


  • The tool solves the input network analysis layer if it isn't already solved. The analysis layer is re-solved if any changes have been made to the inputs since the last time it was solved.

  • Traversed source features can be generated for the following network analysis layers:

    • Route
    • Service area
    • Closest facility
    • Vehicle routing problem
    • Last mile delivery

    Traversed source features cannot be generated for the following layers:

    • OD cost matrix
    • Location-allocation

  • In addition to points that represent traversed network junctions, the output junctions feature class also includes points that represent the following:

    • Traversed point barriers
    • Entry and exit points of traversed line and polygon barriers
    • Visited stops in a Route analysis
    • Visited facilities and the ends of breaks in a Service Area analysis
    • Visited facilities and incidents in a Closest Facility analysis
    • Visited orders, depots, and breaks in a Vehicle Routing Problem analysis
    • Visited orders and depots in a Last Mile Delivery analysis

  • The coordinate system for the output feature classes can be controlled by specifying the Output Coordinate System environment setting or by specifying a feature dataset in a geodatabase as the value for the Output Location parameter. If the Output Coordinate System environment setting is not specified or the Output Location parameter value is not a feature dataset, the output feature classes will have the same coordinate system as the input network analysis layer.

  • The tool will fail for Last Mile Delivery analysis layers that don't output directions and don't use route shapes because the traversal result is not generated.


LabelExplanationData Type
Input Network Analysis Layer

The network analysis layer from which traversed source features will be copied. If the network analysis layer does not have a valid result, the layer will be solved to produce one.

Network Analyst Layer
Output Location

The workspace where the output table and two feature classes will be saved.

Workspace; Feature Dataset
Edge Feature Class Name

The name of the feature class that will contain information about the traversed edge source features. If the solved network analysis layer doesn't traverse any edge features, an empty feature class will be created.

Junction Feature Class Name

The name of the feature class that will contain information about the traversed junction source features, including system junctions and relevant points from the input network analysis layer. If the solved network analysis layer doesn't traverse any junctions, an empty feature class will be created.

Turn Table Name

The name of the table that will contain information about the traversed global turns and turn features that scale cost for the underlying edges. If the solved network analysis layer doesn't traverse any turns, an empty table will be created. Since restricted turns are never traversed, they are never included in the output.


Derived Output

LabelExplanationData Type
Edge Features

A feature class containing the network dataset edges that were traversed in the network analysis.

Feature Class
Junction Features

A feature class containing the network dataset junctions that were traversed in the network analysis.

Feature Class
Turn Table

A table containing the network dataset turns that were traversed in the network analysis.

Modified Input Network Analysis Layer

The solved network analysis layer.

Network Analyst Layer