Copy Network Analysis Layer (Network Analyst)

AllSource 1.3    |


Copies a network analysis layer to a duplicate layer. The new layer will have the same analysis settings and network data source as the original layer and a copy of the original layer's analysis data.


  • The tool makes a copy of the input network analysis layer's analysis data (the feature classes and tables referenced by the network analysis layer's sublayers and subtables). The layer's network data source is not copied.

  • The analysis data is copied to the Current Workspace environment. If this environment is not set, the data is copied to the same geodatabase that contains the analysis data for the input network analysis layer.


LabelExplanationData Type
Input Network Analysis Layer

The network analysis layer to copy.

Network Analyst Layer
Output Layer Name

The name of the network analysis layer that will be created.


Derived Output

LabelExplanationData Type
Output Network Analysis Layer

The newly created network analysis layer.

Network Analyst Layer
