Raster Calculator (Image Analyst)

Available with Spatial Analyst license.

Available with Image Analyst license.


Build and run a single map algebra expression using Python syntax.

Learn more about how Raster Calculator works


Raster Calculator tool in the Geoprocessing pane
Raster Calculator tool in the Geoprocessing pane with a simple expression


LabelExplanationData Type
Map Algebra expression

The map algebra expression that will be run.

Create the expression by specifying the inputs, values, operators, and tools to use. You can type in the expression directly or use the controls to create it.

  • The Rasters list identifies the datasets available to use in the map algebra expression.
  • The Tools list contains commonly used tools you can use.
Raster Calculator Expression
Output raster

The output raster resulting from the map algebra expression.

Raster Dataset

RasterCalculator(expression, output_raster)
NameExplanationData Type

See Map algebra to learn how to perform an analysis in Python.

Raster Calculator Expression

See Create output for information about producing output from map algebra expressions in Python.

Raster Dataset

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