Convert SAR Units (Image Analyst)

Available with Image Analyst license.


Converts the scaling of the input synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data between amplitude and intensity, between linear and decibels (dB), and between complex and intensity.


  • This tool simplifies SAR product interpretation and improves image display by reducing the range of amplitude or intensity values through the conversion to a dB value.

  • You can also convert data from amplitude to intensity and vice versa.

  • You can convert complex data to intensity data; however, you cannot convert intensity data back to complex data since the phase information is no longer available.

  • This tool does not support a geodatabase as an output location.


LabelExplanationData Type
Input Radar Data

The input radar data.

Raster Dataset; Raster Layer
Output Radar Data

The converted radar dataset.

Raster Dataset
Conversion Type

Specifies the type of backscatter conversion that will be applied.

  • Linear to dBThe unitless values will be converted to dB values. This is the default.
  • dB to linearThe dB values will be converted to unitless values.
  • Amplitude to intensityThe amplitude values will be converted to intensity values by squaring the amplitude.
  • Intensity to amplitudeThe intensity values will be converted to amplitude values by applying the square root to the intensity.
  • Complex to intensity The complex values will be converted to intensity values by adding the square of the real and imaginary components.

ConvertSARUnits(in_radar_data, out_radar_data, {conversion_type})
NameExplanationData Type

The input radar data.

Raster Dataset; Raster Layer

The converted radar dataset.

Raster Dataset

Specifies the type of backscatter conversion that will be applied.

  • LINEAR_TO_DBThe unitless values will be converted to dB values. This is the default.
  • DB_TO_LINEARThe dB values will be converted to unitless values.
  • AMPLITUDE_TO_INTENSITYThe amplitude values will be converted to intensity values by squaring the amplitude.
  • INTENSITY_TO_AMPLITUDEThe intensity values will be converted to amplitude values by applying the square root to the intensity.
  • COMPLEX_TO_INTENSITY The complex values will be converted to intensity values by adding the square of the real and imaginary components.

Code sample

ConvertSARUnits example 1 (Python window)

This example converts unitless values to decibels.

import arcpy
arcpy.env.workspace = r"C:\Data\SAR"
outRadar = arcpy.ia.ConvertSARUnits(
     "IW_manifest_TNR_CalB0_Dspk_RTFG0_GTC.crf", "LINEAR_TO_DB")"IW_manifest_TNR_CalB0_Dspk_RTFG0_GTC_dB.crf")
ConvertSARUnits example 2 (stand-alone script)

This example converts unitless values to decibels.

# Import system modules and check out ArcGIS Image Analyst extension license
import arcpy
from arcpy.ia import *

# Set local variables
in_radar = r"C:\Data\SAR\IW_manifest_TNR_CalB0_Dspk_RTFG0_GTC.crf"
out_radar = r"C:\Data\SAR\IW_manifest_TNR_CalB0_Dspk_RTFG0_GTC_dB.crf"
conversion_type = "LINEAR_TO_DB"

# Execute 
outRadar = arcpy.ia.ConvertSARUnits(in_radar, conversion_type)

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