Assign Zones To Streets (Geocoding)

AllSource 1.3    |


Assigns left and right administrative zone values—such as neighborhood, city, metro, or postal code—to street line segments for street addresses.

Street segments may have different zone designations on each side of the street depending on where the line segments overlap and intersect zone polygons. The tool uses a street line feature class and a zone polygon feature class as input to calculate the best left and right zone values to assign to street segments. The left and right sides of the street line segment are based on the direction the line feature was digitized. The tool accounts for when more than one zone is available on each side of the street segment or when segments are longer or shorter and uses an algorithm to optimize the left and right zone assignments.


  • Use this tool if your organization has street datasets that do not have administrative zone attributes assigned to the line segments of their street feature classes. Assigning administrative zones to the left and right sides of the street line segments of the street feature classes that are used when building locators improves the performance of the locator and geocoding quality when matching addresses that have the same street name but are in different zones.

    This tool can also be used to enhance street feature classes with other zone attributes such as school district boundaries, fire district boundaries, voting precinct boundaries, or water district boundaries. This can enrich geocoding results when the appended zone fields are used as custom output fields when building locators with the street feature classes. Using the zones as user-defined custom output fields can help determine which zone a geocoded address matched to a line segment falls in.

  • This tool will add administrative zones to street feature classes, which can then be used to build a locator with the StreetAddress role that includes zones using the Create Locator tool. Building a locator that includes zones will improve the performance of the locator and improve geocoding quality when matching addresses that have the same street name but are in different zones.

  • The output is a copy of all features and attributes from the input with attributes from the fields selected in the Administrative Zone Field(s) parameter appended for the left and right zones.

  • This tool supports parallel processing. If your computer has multiple processors or processors with multiple cores, better performance may be achieved, particularly when assigning zones to larger datasets. If the environment is not set (the default), parallel processing is scaled up based on the size of the table and number of logical cores. Only one process is used for datasets with fewer than 50 rows, but the tool scales up the number of processes used up to the number of logical processors on the machine for tables with many rows. Setting the environment to 0 will disable parallel processing. Specifying a factor between 1 and 99 will cause the tool to identify the percentage of logical cores to use by applying the formula (Parallel Processing Factor / 100 * Logical Cores) rounded to the nearest integer. If the result of this formula is 0 or 1, parallel processing will not be enabled.


LabelExplanationData Type
Input Street Features

The input street feature class or layer.

Feature Layer
Zone Features

The input administrative zone feature class or layer.

Feature Layer
Administrative Zone Field(s)

The fields from the Zone Features parameter value that will be assigned to the Input Street Features parameter value.

Output Streets

The output street feature class or layer that contains the administrative zone assigned to the left and right sides of the street segment based on the direction the line was digitized.

Feature Class

The tolerance of the Input Street Features parameter value that increases the width of the line feature on both sides to determine which Zone Features values will be on the left and the right to account for data and digitization quality issues.

The default value is 10 meters.
