Remove Join (Data Management)

AllSource 1.3    |


Removes a join from a feature layer or table view.


  • The Join parameter value is the name of the table that was joined to the input layer or table view.

    • If the join table was a dBASE file named MyTable.dbf, the join name would be MyTable; so to remove it, specify MyTable.
    • If the join table was a geodatabase or INFO table named MyTable2, the Join Name would be MyTable2; so to remove it, specify MyTable2.
    • The join name will not reflect the name of the table view, but rather the source of the table view. For example, if a table view is named TableView1 and points to mytable.dbf, the name of the join will be mytable .

  • When a layer is joined to two tables and the first join is removed, both joins will be removed. For example, Layer1 is joined to TableA. Then Layer1 is joined to TableB. If the join to TableA is removed, the join to TableB is also removed.

  • In ModelBuilder, you can use the Make Feature Layer tool to create a layer from a feature class, and the Make Table View tool to create a table view from an input table or feature class. These layers or table views can then be used as the input to the Add Join and Remove Join tools.


LabelExplanationData Type
Layer Name or Table View

The layer or table view from which the join will be removed.

Mosaic Layer; Raster Layer; Table View

The name of the join to be removed.

If no name is provided, the tool will remove all joins from the input.


Derived Output

LabelExplanationData Type
Layer With Join Removed

The updated input dataset.

Table View; Raster Layer; Mosaic Layer


This tool does not use any geoprocessing environments.

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