Generate Level Of Detail (Data Management)

AllSource 1.3    |


Generates a new scene layer package with properly defined levels of detail.


  • Use this tool for integrated mesh scene layer packages generated from third-party software that have a single level of detail. This includes scene layer packages generated from FME by Safe Software or ArcGIS Data Interoperability.

  • Integrated mesh is the only supported scene layer type.


LabelExplanationData Type
Input Dataset

The input integrated mesh scene layer package.

Output Dataset

The output scene layer package.

Texture Optimization

Specifies the textures that will be optimized according to the target platform where the scene layer package will be used.


Optimizations that include KTX2 may take significant time to process. For fastest results, use the Desktop or None options.

  • AllAll texture formats will be optimized including JPEG, DXT, and KTX2 for use in desktop, web, and mobile platforms.
  • DesktopWindows, Linux, and Mac supported textures will be optimized including JPEG and DXT for use in ArcGIS Pro clients on Windows and ArcGIS Maps SDKs desktop clients on Windows, Linux, and Mac. This is the default.
  • MobileAndroid and iOS supported textures will be optimized including JPEG and KTX2 for use in ArcGIS Maps SDKs mobile applications.
  • NoneJPEG textures will be optimized for use in desktop and web platforms.


This tool does not use any geoprocessing environments.

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