How Point to Raster works

AllSource 1.3    |

The following information specifies how the cells are assigned values under various conditions when converting from a point feature class to a raster using the Point to Raster tool.

  • If the points have M and Z, use Z.
  • If there is only a single point in a cell, that point's value is assigned to the cell.
  • Priority field is only used with the option.
  • If there is more than one point in a cell, and
    • No priorities are set or the priorities are the same, and
      • The attributes are all different, use the one with the lowest FID.
      • Else, select the one with the most common attribute, if still a tie, use the lowest FID.
    • The priorities are different, and
      • The attributes are different, select the one with the highest priority.
      • The attributes are the same, select the one with the most common attribute, then use the one with the lowest FID, if necessary.

Examples using different options for the cell assignment method

Illustration of boundary rules for point feature to raster conversion
Illustration of boundary rules for point feature to raster conversion

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