An overview of the Transit Feed (GTFS) toolset

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The tools in the Transit Feed (GTFS) toolset support the conversion of General Transit Feed Specification (GTFS) datasets into feature classes and tables that can be visualized in a map, used as input for further analysis, or used to construct a network dataset. Some of the tools allow you to create or update GTFS files. GTFS is the only worldwide standardized format for public transit data. It includes the locations of transit lines and stops as well as the schedules.


Connect Network Dataset Transit Sources To Streets

Connects transit stops to street features for use in a transit-enabled network dataset. This tool creates the StopsOnStreets and StopConnectors feature classes defined by the Network Analyst public transit data model and is intended to be run as part of a larger workflow for creating a transit-network dataset described in Create and use a network dataset with public transit data.

Features To GTFS Shapes

Creates a shapes.txt file for a GTFS public transit dataset based on route line representations created by the Generate Shapes Features From GTFS tool.

Features To GTFS Stops

Converts a feature class to a GTFS stops.txt file for a GTFS public transit dataset.

Generate Shapes Features From GTFS

Generates an estimate of the paths traveled by the vehicles in a public transit system. The output from this tool can be used to generate a new shapes.txt file for a GTFS public transit dataset.

GTFS Shapes To Features

Converts a GTFS shapes.txt file from a GTFS public transit dataset to a polyline feature class showing the physical paths taken by vehicles in the public transit system.

GTFS Stops To Features

Converts a GTFS stops.txt file from a GTFS public transit dataset to a feature class of public transit stops.

GTFS To Network Dataset Transit Sources

Converts one or more General Transit Feed Specification (GTFS) public transit datasets to a set of feature classes and tables that represent the transit stops, lines, and schedules in the format defined by the Network Analyst public transit data model.