Share a presentation as a video

AllSource 1.3    |

Export a presentation as a video file. Any page that contains a video page includes the playback of the video, and any audio it contains, in an exported video file. Transition effects are also included in the exported video.

You can use the exported video file in post-production software to record accompanying audio.

Follow these steps to share a presentation as a video file:

  1. With the presentation view active, on the Disseminate tab, in the Output group, click Export Presentation Export Presentation.
  2. In the Export Presentation pane under the Properties tab, select the file type, MP4 or AVI, and review the location and name for the output file in the Name text box. To make a change, type in the text box or click the Browse button Browse to select another location.
  3. Review or update any of the provided options for Video Size and Video Settings.
  4. Optionally, uncheck Honor page advancement settings.

    This setting is checked by default to include hold time on a page if automatic page advancement timing has been set up. When unchecked, the page advances using 2-second timing instead of the specified duration during playback.

  5. Under the Page Settings tab, accept All or configure a preferred page range by choosing Current page, Last page, Odd pages only, Even pages only, or Pages to set a custom page range.
  6. Click Export.

    A progress bar appears at the bottom of the pane. When the export is finished, click View exported file to open the video in the default media player.

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