Page queries in a spatial map series

AllSource 1.3    |

Use page queries to specify which features of a layer draw in a spatial map series. Page queries are queries between a field in the layer and the map series page name. Depending on how the query is set, if the data in the field either matches or does not match the map series page name, the query is applied. This allows you to only show data within or outside of the index feature for that page.

For example, in a map series in which each page is a U.S. state showing national parks data, you can use a match page query to show only the national parks within that state on each page.

Side-by-side images of the same map series page of Oregon comparing one in which all national parks in the map extent are shown to one in which only the national parks in Oregon appear
The first image shows a map series page without a page query. The map series page is of Oregon, but you can see the national parks in surrounding states as well. The second image shows the same page with a match page query applied on the national parks layer. In that image, only the national parks in Oregon are shown.

You can also use page queries to filter data outside of the index feature in a map series. For example, in a map series in which each page is a U.S. state, you can use a don't match page query to draw a transparent masking layer over the other states. This allows the index feature to stand out.

A map series page of Nebraska in which the other states are masked by a transparent layer
A don't match page query applied to the transparent states layer allows the index feature, Nebraska, which is not masked, to stand out.

Though the field names do not have to match, the data type for the layer field and the map series name field must be the same.


If there is no spatial map series, or the map series is disabled, the page query is ignored.

Create a page query

To create a page query for a feature layer, complete the following steps:

  1. Right-click the layer in the Contents pane and click Properties.
  2. On the Layer Properties dialog box, click Page Query.
  3. Select a field from the drop-down list.
  4. Under the Show features that heading, choose the Match option or the Don't Match option to determine which features show on the page.
  5. Click Apply to apply the page query or OK to apply it and close the dialog box.
  6. Refresh the map series to see the query applied.

In this topic
  1. Create a page query