Create a bookmark map series

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A bookmark map series is a set of output pages generated by iterating through a set of bookmarks in a single layout. You can create a map series by choosing and ordering a set of bookmarks that exist in the project. Once you create the map series, you can update the bookmarks, and the map series reflects those changes.

Steps to create a bookmark map series

Creating a bookmark map series requires an existing layout containing the map frame that will update for each page in the series. This layout can also contain additional layout elements such as text or a scale bar. There must also be existing bookmarks in the project. To create a bookmark map series, complete the following steps:

  1. Open a layout that contains at least one map frame.

    The project must contain bookmarks.

  2. If your layout has multiple map frames, select the map frame that you want to update for the map series.
  3. On the Insert tab, click the lower half of the Map Series split button List Map Series Pages.
  4. Select Bookmark Bookmark map series.
  5. Set the Map frame value.
  6. Add, delete, and reorder the list of bookmarks to reflect the order of the pages you want in the map series.
  7. Click OK to create the map series.

    You can then navigate through the map series pages to see how each looks.

Order bookmarks

The bookmarks included in the map series are listed in the Bookmarks group in the Map Series section of the Layout Properties window. Map series pages are created in the order bookmarks are listed from top to bottom, and each page has the same name as the bookmark. By default, the list is populated with all bookmarks associated with the map referenced by the map frame listed on the Map Frame drop-down menu. You can add more bookmarks from other maps in the project, remove bookmarks, and reorder the bookmark list.

Add bookmarks to the bookmark list by clicking the Add button Add. A list appears with all the bookmarks not currently in the map series. If all the bookmarks in the project are already in the list, this button is unavailable. Select one or more bookmarks and click the Add button Add to add them to the map series.

Remove bookmarks from the map series list by selecting one or more bookmarks and clicking the Remove button Remove. Once a bookmark has been removed, you can add it back to the list by clicking the Add button Add.

Reorder the bookmark list by selecting one or more bookmarks and clicking one of the reorder buttons: Move to top Top arrow, Move up Move Item Up, Move to bottom Bottom arrow, or Move down Move Item Down.

Map extent

For each page in the map series, the extent of the map frame is updated based on a bookmark. Since bookmarks can be created in a map view, at a different screen size or aspect ratio, the bookmark may need to be adjusted slightly to fit the map frame. You can customize how it is adjusted using the two Map Extent options.

  • Preserve extent—Include the total extent of the bookmark within the map frame. This may result in changes to the map scale and areas outside the original extent being shown. Use the Round scale to the nearest text box to round the new scale to the division set.
  • Preserve scale—Keep the scale and center point of the bookmark. This may result in a different extent than in the bookmark.


These options only apply when using a bookmark created in a map to a map frame containing a map. When switching between maps and scenes using bookmarks, the extent may differ from the original view in which the bookmark was captured. Bookmarks created in a scene but viewed in a map have a map extent derived from, but not always the same as, the original scene. If the bookmark was created in a map but viewed in a scene, the scene view displays perpendicularly.

Additional options

Some additional options are available when creating a bookmark map series.

The Map Frame drop-down list allows you to choose which map frame will update to the various bookmark extents.

The First Page text box allows you to number the map series pages starting at a value other than 1. For example, you may be creating a map book and want the first three pages to be a title, a table of contents, and an overview map. The maps from the map series actually begin on page 4. In that case, you can set the First Page text box to 4, and the map series will now be numbered sequentially starting at page 4.

Edit a bookmark map series

Once a bookmark map series has been created, you can edit the options and adjust the bookmarks.

To adjust any of the map series options, including changing the order of the bookmarks, right-click the layout name in the Contents pane and choose Properties. This opens the Layout Properties window. You can then select Map Series to see all the properties for the bookmark map series and make adjustments.

Edit the map extent for a particular page or edit the page name using the Bookmarks pane. To access the pane, click the lower half of the Bookmarks button Bookmarks on the Layout tab and choose Manage bookmarks Manage Bookmarks. Use the actions available in the pane to adjust the bookmarks and update the map series. To change the extent of the bookmark for a particular page, first activate the map frame. Then you can zoom and pan to the new extent and update the bookmark using the Update button Update Bookmark in the Bookmarks pane. Once you finish making updates, you may need to refresh the map series to see the changes.