Export metadata to a standard format

AllSource 1.3    |

After creating metadata to describe your maps and datasets, you may be required to share that information outside the ArcGIS platform. For example, you may have to publish the information to a metadata catalog that requires metadata to be provided in a specific format that complies with a metadata standard. Several conversions are available that allow you to export the item's ArcGIS metadata content to a standard-compliant metadata XML file.

Exporting metadata first involves updating the intrinsic properties of the item's metadata so that they are current. The item's metadata is filtered, for example, to exclude sensitive information. Then the resulting ArcGIS metadata elements are matched to the corresponding metadata elements in the standard-compliant metadata format. Some ArcGIS metadata elements, such as the thumbnail, are not exported because they don't have a corresponding metadata element. The resulting standard-compliant metadata elements are saved to an XML file.

When ArcGIS AllSource is set to use one of the metadata styles based on ISO 19115 metadata content, metadata is exported by default to an XML file where the metadata content is formatted as specified by the ISO 19139 XML schemas; ISO 19139 is the implementation specification for ISO 19115 metadata content. However, you can export your metadata content to a different format by selecting that format in the drop-down list. If you haven't previously edited the item's metadata with the metadata style selected, the item's metadata may be missing some content that is required for the exported metadata to be considered valid in that metadata format.

  1. On the Catalog tab on the ribbon, in the Metadata group, click Export Export.

    The Export Metadata dialog box appears.

  2. Click The metadata content to export drop-down list and click the amount of content to filter out of the item's metadata during the export process.
    • All Supported Content—The item's metadata is not filtered.
    • Without Machine Names—The item's metadata content is filtered to remove any machine names that may exist. Appropriate actions are taken depending on the context in which the machine name is found. The metadata element will be removed if it doesn't cause the document to be invalid, the machine name will be removed from the beginning of a UNC path, or the value will be changed to identify the location as being withheld.
    • Without Sensitive Information—Machine names are filtered as described above. Additionally, local and network file paths, and internet locations other than http or https addresses are removed in the same manner. Operating system information, database information, and geoprocessing history are also removed.
  3. The type of metadata to export drop-down list will be set by default to match the metadata XML format associated with the current metadata style. If you prefer to export the item's metadata to another standard format, click the drop-down arrow and click the appropriate format.
    • FGDC CSDGM—The item's metadata is exported to the FGDC CSDGM XML format.
    • ISO 19115-3—The item's metadata is exported to the ISO 19115-3 XML format. This choice may appear in the list as ISO 19115_3.
    • ISO 19139—The item's metadata is exported to the ISO 19139 XML format.
    • INSPIRE—This value only appears in the drop-down list if the current metadata style is INSPIRE Metadata Directive. The item's metadata is exported to the ISO 19139 XML format. The item's metadata content is exported appropriately to account for the requirements of the INSPIRE Metadata Directive.
    • NAP—This value only appears in the drop-down list if the current metadata style is North American Profile of ISO19115 2003. The item's metadata is exported to the ISO 19139 XML format. The item's metadata content is exported appropriately to account for the requirements of the North American Profile.
  4. Browse to or type the location and name of the XML file that will be created in the Export metadata to text box.
  5. Click OK.

    The item's ArcGIS metadata elements are filtered as appropriate and matched to the appropriate standard's metadata elements. The resulting elements are saved to an XML file that satisfies the requirements of the specified metadata standard. ArcGIS metadata includes content that is not included in the metadata standards such as thumbnails; this content can't be included in a standard-compliant metadata XML file.

If the folder where the XML file was created is available in the project as a folder connection, you must refresh the folder's contents for the exported file to appear in the catalog view.