Delete features and parts of features

AllSource 1.3    |

To delete a selected feature, press the Delete key, or click the Delete button on the ribbon Edit tab. Alternatively, right-click and use the context menu. Parts of multipart features can be deleted in the geometry properties table with tools that edit feature vertices or continue sketching a feature.

When you delete features, consider the following:

  • The Delete prompt that appears when you delete features is enabled in project settings.
  • If you need to delete many features and don't require the ability to undo, consider using the Delete Features tool.

Delete a feature in a map

To select and delete a feature in a map, complete the following steps:

  1. On the ribbon Edit tab, click the Select tool Select in the Features group.
  2. Select the feature you want to delete.
  3. Press the Delete key or click Delete Delete on the ribbon Edit tab in the Features group.

    Alternatively, right-click the map and click Delete Delete or press Ctrl+D

  4. If the Delete warning dialog box appears, click Yes.
  5. On the ribbon Edit tab, click Save Save Edits in the Manage Edits group.

Delete a part of a multipart feature

Parts of a multipart feature can be deleted in the geometry properties table that is available with tools that edit feature vertices or continue sketching a feature.


Deleting a part updates the sum totals stored in the SHAPE_Length and SHAPE_Area fields contained in the feature class attribute table.

To delete a part of a multipart feature, complete the following steps:

  1. On the ribbon Edit tab, click Modify Modify Features in the Features group.

    To open the Modify Features pane and run a tool in a single step, click the Tools gallery drop-down arrow on the ribbon Edit tab and click Edit Vertices Edit Vertices or Continue Feature Continue Feature.

    The Modify Features pane appears.

  2. Expand Reshape and click one of the following:
    • Edit Vertices Edit Vertices
    • Continue Feature Continue Feature

    The Select tool Active Select automatically runs.

  3. Select the multipart or multipoint feature containing the part you want to delete.

    If you select more than one feature, right click the feature in the pane's selection tree view and click Only Select This List By Selection. To remove a feature from the selection, right-click it and click Unselect Clear Selected.

  4. In the pane's geometry properties table, right-click the part number for the part you are deleting and click Delete Part.

    Alternatively, right-click any vertex row for the part, and click Part > Delete Part.

    To delete a point feature that is a part of a multipoint feature, right-click the row and click Delete Delete.

  5. Right-click and click Finish Finish or press the F2 key.
  6. On the ribbon Edit tab, click Save Save Edits in the Manage Edits group.

Delete a feature in the Attributes pane

To select and delete a feature using the Attributes pane, complete the following steps:

  1. On the ribbon Edit tab, click Attributes Attributes in the Selection group.

    The Attributes pane appears.

  2. Click the Select tool Active Select in the Attributes pane and select the feature you want to delete.

    The selected feature appears in the pane's selection tree view.

  3. Right-click the feature in the selection tree view and click Delete Delete.
  4. If the Delete warning dialog box appears, click Yes.
  5. On the ribbon Edit tab, click Save Save Edits in the Manage Edits group.