An overview of the NetCDF toolset

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The NetCDF toolset contains tools that operate on netCDF data. You can use these tools to make a netCDF raster layer, feature layer, or table view. You can also convert a feature, raster, or table to a netCDF file.

To learn more about netCDF data, see the What is netCDF data topic. For additional details on how to process netCDF multidimensional data, see Reading netCDF data using geoprocessing tools and Exporting to netCDF data using geoprocessing tools.


Describe NetCDF File

Describes the nature and content of an input netCDF dataset. List all the variables along with their dimensions and their attributes.

Feature to NetCDF

Converts point features to a netCDF file.

Make NetCDF Feature Layer

Makes a feature layer from a netCDF file.

Make NetCDF Raster Layer

Makes a raster layer from a netCDF file.

Make NetCDF Table View

Makes a table view from a netCDF file.

NetCDF Points To Feature Class (Discrete Sampling Geometry)

Creates a feature class from points in netCDF files. In the Climate and Forecast (CF) metadata convention, a point is a type of discrete sampling geometry (DSG).

NetCDF Profiles To Feature Class (Discrete Sampling Geometry)

Creates a feature class from profiles in netCDF files. In the Climate and Forecast (CF) metadata convention, a profile is a type of discrete sampling geometry (DSG).

NetCDF Time Series To Feature Class (Discrete Sampling Geometry)

Creates a feature class from timeseries in netCDF files. In the Climate and Forecast (CF) metadata convention, a timeseries is a type of discrete sampling geometry (DSG).

NetCDF Trajectories To Feature Class (Discrete Sampling Geometry)

Creates a feature class from trajectories in netCDF files. In the Climate and Forecast (CF) metadata convention, a trajectory is a type of discrete sampling geometry (DSG).

Raster to NetCDF

Converts a raster dataset to a netCDF file.

Table to NetCDF

Converts a table to a netCDF file.

netCDF tools