Deburst (Image Analyst)

AllSource 1.3    |


Merges the multiple bursts from the input Sentinel-1 Single Look Complex (SLC) synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data and outputs a single, seamless subswath raster.


Deburst tool illustration


  • This tool is applicable to Sentinel-1 SLC Interferometric Wide (IW) and Extra Wide (EW) swath mode radar data.

  • Merging of bursts is necessary to create a continuous subswath raster.

  • This tool does not support a geodatabase as an output location.


LabelExplanationData Type
Input Radar Data

The input radar data.

Raster Dataset; Raster Layer
Output Radar Data

The debursted radar data.

Raster Dataset
Polarization Bands

The polarization bands that will be corrected.

The first band is selected by default.


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