An overview of the Multidimensional Analysis toolset

AllSource 1.3    |

Available with Image Analyst license.

The Multidimensional Analysis toolset contains tools for performing analysis on scientific data across multiple variables and dimensions.

Multidimensional data represents data captured at multiple times, depths, and heights. This type of data is commonly used in atmospheric, oceanographic, and earth sciences. In ArcGIS AllSource, you can manage, visualize, and analyze multidimensional raster data in multiple formats including netCDF, HDF, GRIB, the multidimensional mosaic dataset, and the Esri Cloud Raster Format (CRF).

The following table lists the multidimensional analysis tools and provides a brief description of each.


Aggregate Multidimensional Raster

Generates a multidimensional raster dataset by combining existing multidimensional raster variables along a dimension.

Dimensional Moving Statistics

Calculates statistics over a moving window on multidimensional data along a specified dimension.

Find Argument Statistics

Extracts the dimension value or band index at which a given statistic is attained for each pixel in a multidimensional or multiband raster.

Generate Multidimensional Anomaly

Computes the anomaly for each slice in an existing multidimensional raster to generate a new multidimensional raster.

Generate Trend Raster

Estimates the trend for each pixel along a dimension for one or more variables in a multidimensional raster.

Interpolate From Spatiotemporal Points

Interpolates temporal point data into a multidimensional raster.

Multidimensional Principal Components

Reduces the number of components that can account for the variance of the whole multidimensional raster so that spatial and temporal patterns can be easily identified.

Multidimensional Raster Correlation

Analyzes correlations between two variables in one or two multidimensional rasters.

Predict Using Trend Raster

Computes a forecasted multidimensional raster using the output trend raster from the Generate Trend Raster tool.

Summarize Categorical Raster

Generates a table containing the pixel count for each class, in each slice of an input categorical raster.

List of tools in the Multidimensional Analysis toolset

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