Update Enterprise Geodatabase License (Data Management)

AllSource 1.3    |


Updates the ArcGIS Server license in an enterprise geodatabase.

If your organization licenses ArcGIS Server for a set time period, the geodatabase administrator can run the Update Enterprise Geodatabase License tool with a new ArcGIS Server authorization file to update license information in the geodatabase before the existing license expires. This allows clients to continue working with the geodatabase without interruptions caused by expired licenses.


  • The input workspace must be an enterprise geodatabase. This tool does not work with any other type of geodatabase.

  • You must connect to the enterprise geodatabase as the geodatabase administrator to run this tool.

  • To generate a license file for an enterprise geodatabases licensed with ArcGIS Enterprise on Kubernetes, use the exportGeodatabaseLicense REST operation.


LabelExplanationData Type
Input Database Connection

A database connection (.sde file) to the enterprise geodatabase to authorize with a new ArcGIS Server enterprise authorization file.

The database connection file must connect to the database as the geodatabase administrator.

Authorization File

The path and file name of the keycodes file generated when ArcGIS Server enterprise was authorized. If necessary, copy the file from the ArcGIS Server machine to a directory that the tool can access.

ArcGIS Server creates the keycodes file in the following location: \\Program Files\ESRI\License<release#>\sysgen (Microsoft Windows servers) or /arcgis/server/framework/runtime/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/ESRI/License<release#>/sysgen (Linux servers).


Derived Output

LabelExplanationData Type
Output Workspace

The updated enterprise geodatabase.



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