Set Subtype Field (Data Management)

AllSource 1.3    |


Defines the field in the input table or feature class that stores the subtype codes.


  • A feature class or table can have only one subtype field.

  • After a subtype field is set, subtype codes can be added to the feature class or table using the Add Subtype tool.

  • This tool can also be used to clear the subtype field if a subtype field is no longer needed.


LabelExplanationData Type
Input Table

The input table or feature class that contains the field to set as a subtype field.

Table View
Field Name

The integer field that will store the subtype codes.

Clear Value

Specifies whether to clear the subtype field.

  • Checked—The subtype field will be cleared (set to null).
  • Unchecked—The subtype field will not be cleared. This is the default.

Derived Output

LabelExplanationData Type
Updated Input Table

The updated table or feature class.

Table View

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