Set Relationship Class Split Policy (Data Management)

AllSource 1.3    |


Defines the split policy for related features.

Learn more about the split policy for a relationship class


  • When editing features and a feature is split, the split policy on the relationship class will define how the split operation handles the split feature's related items.

  • The relationship origin table must be a feature class and the destination must be a nonspatial table.

  • If the Split Policy parameter is set to Duplicate related objects, the minimum geodatabase client version will be set to ArcGIS Pro 2.6.This means you cannot use data from ArcGIS Desktop or earlier versions of ArcGIS Pro.

  • Every relationship class has the default split policy Default (simple) defined upon creation for simple relationship classes and the Default (composite) policy for composite relationship classes. If the split policy has been changed to Duplicate related records, you can run this tool using the Split Policy parameter's Default (simple) value to reset the split policy for simple relationship classes or the Default (composite) value to reset the split policy for composite relationship classes.

  • To set the Split Policy parameter to Duplicate related records, the relationship class must be Global ID based.

  • If the input relationship class is stored in an enterprise geodatabase, this tool must be run as the data owner.


LabelExplanationData Type
Input Relationship Class

The relationship class on which the split policy will be set. The origin feature class must be a polyline or polygon feature class and the destination must be a nonspatial table.

Relationship Class
Split Policy

Specifies the split policy to apply to the relationship class.

  • Default (composite) If the feature class split model is Delete/Insert/Insert, the relationships and the part objects will be deleted. If the feature class split model is Update/Insert, the relationships on the largest resulting feature will be preserved. This is the default split policy for composite relationship classes.
  • Default (simple) The relationships on the largest resulting feature will be preserved. This is the default split policy for simple relationship classes.
  • Duplicate related objectsCopies of the related objects will be generated and assigned to both resulting parts. The relationship class must be Global ID based to use this split policy.

Derived Output

LabelExplanationData Type
Output Relationship Class

The updated relationship class with the split policy set.

Relationship Class


This tool does not use any geoprocessing environments.

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