Make LAS Dataset Layer (Data Management)

AllSource 1.3    |


Creates a LAS dataset layer that can apply filters to LAS points and control the enforcement of surface constraint features.


  • A LAS dataset layer can be used to filter LAS points and control which surface constraint features are enforced when triangulating a surface from the LAS dataset. LAS points can be filtered using the classification codes, classification flags, and return values associated with each point. The filters are honored by various tools that process the LAS dataset. For example, a raster surface modeling the bare earth can be constructed by filtering for ground classified points and using the resulting layer as input for the LAS Dataset To Raster tool.


    The layer produced by this tool can be preserved as a layer file using the Save To Layer File tool.

  • You can use the LAS dataset layer properties dialog box to filter LAS points and surface constraints when working with a LAS dataset layer in a map or scene. It provides a convenient mechanism for managing the filter options. This tool is useful for enforcing LAS dataset filters in the context of an automated solution authored through ModelBuilder or Python.

  • The classification codes, classification flags, and return values supported in a given LAS file will depend on that file's version and point record format. When no values present in the input LAS files are specified to define a filter, the resulting layer will yield no points. The classification codes, classification flags, and return values present in a LAS dataset can be established by calculating statistics.

    Learn more about working with LAS dataset statistics


LabelExplanationData Type
Input LAS Dataset

The LAS dataset that will be processed.

LAS Dataset Layer
Output Layer

The name of the resulting LAS dataset layer. A backslash or forward slash can be used to denote a group layer.

LAS Dataset Layer
Class Codes

Specifies the classification codes that will be used to filter LAS points. All class codes will be selected by default.

  • 0Never processed by a classification method
  • 1Processed by a classification method but could not be determined
  • 2Bare earth measurements
  • 3Vegetation whose height is considered to be low for the area
  • 4Vegetation whose height is considered to be intermediate for the area
  • 5Vegetation whose height is considered to be high for the area
  • 6Structure with roof and walls
  • 7Erroneous or undesirable data that is closer to the ground
  • 8Reserved for later use, but used for model key points in LAS 1.1 - 1.3
  • 9Water
  • 10Railway tracks used by trains
  • 11Road surfaces
  • 12Reserved for later use, but used for overlap points in LAS 1.1 - 1.3
  • 13Shielding around electrical wires
  • 14Power lines
  • 15A lattice tower used to support an overhead power line
  • 16A mechanical assembly that joins an electrical circuit
  • 17The surface of a bridge
  • 18Erroneous or undesirable data that is far from the ground
  • 19 - 63Reserved class codes for ASPRS designation
  • 64 - 255User-definable class codes
Return Values

Specifies the ordinal pulse return values that will be used to filter LAS points. All returns will be used when no value is specified. Return information is only available for LAS point clouds collected from a lidar scanner. The return number reflects the order of discrete points obtained from the lidar pulse, whereby the first return is closest to the scanner and the last return is farthest from the scanner.

  • LASTThe last point from all lidar pulses will be used.
  • FIRST_OF_MANYThe first point from each lidar pulse with multiple returns will be used.
  • LAST_OF_MANYThe last point from each lidar pulse with multiple returns will be used.
  • SINGLEAll points from lidar pulses with only one return will be used.
  • 1All points with a return value of 1 will be used.
  • 2All points with a return value of 2 will be used.
  • 3All points with a return value of 3 will be used.
  • 4All points with a return value of 4 will be used.
  • 5All points with a return value of 5 will be used.
  • 6All points with a return value of 6 will be used.
  • 7All points with a return value of 7 will be used.
  • 8All points with a return value of 8 will be used.
  • 9All points with a return value of 9 will be used.
  • 10All points with a return value of 10 will be used.
  • 11All points with a return value of 11 will be used.
  • 12All points with a return value of 12 will be used.
  • 13All points with a return value of 13 will be used.
  • 14All points with a return value of 14 will be used.
  • 15All points with a return value of 15 will be used.
Unflagged Points

Specifies whether data points that do not have classification flags assigned will be included.

  • Checked—Unflagged points will be included. This is the default.
  • Unchecked—Unflagged points will be excluded.
Synthetic Points

Specifies whether data points flagged as synthetic will be included. Synthetic points refer to LAS points that originated from a data source other than a lidar scanner.

  • Checked—Synthetic points will be included. This is the default.
  • Unchecked—Synthetic points will be excluded.
Model Key-Point

Specifies whether data points flagged as model key points will be included. Model key points refer to LAS points that are significant for modeling the object they are associated with.

  • Checked—Model key points will be included. This is the default.
  • Unchecked—Model key points will be excluded.
Withheld Points

Specifies whether data points flagged as withheld will be included. Withheld points represent erroneous or undesired measurements captured in the LAS points.

  • Checked—Withheld points will be included.
  • Unchecked—Withheld points will be excluded. This is the default.
Surface Constraints

The name of the surface constraint features that will be enabled in the layer. All constraints are enabled by default.

Overlap Points

Specifies whether data points flagged as overlap will be included. Overlap points refer to points collected in overlapping scans that typically have a larger scan angle. Filtering overlap points can help ensure a regular distribution of LAS points is achieved across the extent of the data.

  • Checked—Overlap points will be included. This is the default.
  • Unchecked—Overlap points will be excluded.
