Generate Tile Cache Tiling Scheme (Data Management)

AllSource 1.3    |


Creates a tiling scheme file based on the information from the source dataset. The tiling scheme file will then be used in the Manage Tile Cache tool when creating cache tiles.

This tool can be used to edit the properties of an existing tiling scheme, such as tile format, storage format, tile size, and so on. In addition, you can also use it to add new scale levels to an existing tiling scheme.


  • By default, the tiling origin starts at the upper left of the coordinate system used by the source dataset.

  • There are several options for loading an existing tiling scheme.

    • Load a tiling scheme from an existing image service or map service cache.
    • Load a tiling scheme that you created in a previous run of this tool.


LabelExplanationData Type
Output Tiling Scheme

The path and file name for the output tiling scheme to be created.

Generation Method

Choose to use a new or predefined tiling scheme. You can define a new tiling scheme with this tool or browse to a predefined tiling scheme file (.xml).

  • NEWDefine a new tiling scheme using other parameters in this tool to define scale levels, image format, storage format, and so on. This is the default.
  • PREDEFINEDUse a tiling scheme .xml file that already exists on disk.
Number of Scales

The number of scale levels to be created in the tiling scheme.

Predefined Tiling Scheme

Path to a predefined tiling scheme file (usually named conf.xml). This parameter is enabled only when the Predefined option is chosen as the tiling scheme generation method.


Scale levels to be included in the tiling scheme. By default, these are not represented as fractions. Instead, use 500 to represent a scale of 1:500, and so on. The value entered in the Number of Scales parameter generates a set of default scale levels.

Value Table
Cell Size

Determines the units of the Scales parameter.

  • Checked—The values of the Scales parameter are pixel sizes. This is the default.
  • Unchecked—The values of the Scales parameter are scale levels.
Tile Origin in map units

The origin (upper left corner) of the tiling scheme in the coordinates of the spatial reference of the source dataset. The extent of the source dataset must be within (but does not need to coincide) this region.

Dots (Pixels) Per Inch

The dots per inch of the intended output device. If a DPI is chosen that does not match the resolution of the output device, typically a display monitor, the scale of the tile will appear incorrect. The default value is 96.

Tile Size (in pixels)

The width and height of the cache tiles in pixels. The default is 256 by 256.

For the best balance between performance and manageability, avoid deviating from widths of 256 or 512.

  • 128 x 128Tile width and height of 128 pixels.
  • 256 x 256Tile width and height of 256 pixels.
  • 512 x 512Tile width and height of 512 pixels.
  • 1024 x 1024Tile width and height of 1024 pixels.
Tile Format

The file format for the tiles in the cache.

  • PNGCreates PNG format with varying bit depths. The bit depths are optimized according to the color variation and transparency values in each tile.
  • PNG8A lossless, 8-bit color, image format that uses an indexed color palette and an alpha table. Each pixel stores a value (0 to 255) that is used to look up the color in the color palette and the transparency in the alpha table. 8-bit PNGs are similar to GIF images and provide the best support for a transparent background by most web browsers.
  • PNG24A lossless, three-channel image format that supports large color variations (16 million colors) and has limited support for transparency. Each pixel contains three 8-bit color channels, and the file header contains the single color that represents the transparent background. The color representing the transparent background color can be set in the application. Versions of Internet Explorer prior to version 7 do not support this type of transparency. Caches using PNG24 are significantly larger than those using PNG8 or JPEG, so will take more disk space and require greater bandwidth to serve clients.
  • PNG32A lossless, four-channel image format that supports large color variations (16 million colors) and transparency. Each pixel contains three 8-bit color channels and one 8-bit alpha channel that represents the level of transparency for each pixel. While the PNG32 format allows for partially transparent pixels in the range from 0 to 255, the ArcGIS Server cache generation tool only writes fully transparent (0) or fully opaque (255) values in the transparency channel. Caches using PNG32 are significantly larger than the other supported formats, so will take more disk space and require greater bandwidth to serve clients.
  • JPEGA lossy, three-channel image format that supports large color variations (16 million colors) but does not support transparency. Each pixel contains three 8-bit color channels. Caches using JPEG provide control over output quality and size.
  • MIXEDCreates PNG32 anywhere that transparency is detected (in other words, anyplace where the data frame background is visible), but creates JPEG for the remaining tiles. This keeps the average file size down while providing you with a clean overlay on top of other caches. This is the default.
  • LERCLimited Error Raster Compression (LERC) is an efficient lossy compression method recommended for single-band or elevation data with a large pixel depth (12 bit to 32 bit). Compresses between 10:1 and 20:1.
Tile Compression Quality
Storage Format

Determines the storage format of tiles.

  • COMPACTGroup tiles into large files called bundles. This storage format is more efficient in terms of storage and mobility. This is the default.
  • EXPLODEDEach tile is stored as an individual file.Note that this format cannot be used with tile packages.
LERC Error

Set the maximum tolerance in pixel values when compressing with LERC.



This tool does not use any geoprocessing environments.

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