Generate Schema Report (Data Management)

AllSource 1.3    |


Generates an Excel, JSON, PDF, or HTML representation of the geodatabase schema. These formats are output to a target destination folder.

Learn more about generating a schema report


  • Schema elements in the geodatabase will be included.

  • This tool can be run on a workspace (file, mobile, and enterprise), feature class, feature dataset, feature layer, and feature service.

  • The selected report formats are output to a single folder.

  • Datasets must be registered with the geodatabase.


LabelExplanationData Type
Input Dataset

The workspace, feature dataset, feature layer, or table view that will be used to generate the schema report.

Workspace; Feature Dataset; Feature Layer; Table View
Output Location

The folder where the report will be created.


The name of the file outputs.

Output Formats

Specifies the file types that will be included in the output folder.

  • JSONThe output folder will include a .json file.
  • PDFThe output folder will include a .pdf file.
  • HTMLThe output folder will include an .html file.
  • XLSXThe output folder will include an Excel .xlsx file.

Derived Output

LabelExplanationData Type
Output Files

The derived file types in the output folder.



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