Create Role (Data Management)

AllSource 1.3    |


Creates a database role, allowing you to add users to or remove them from the role.


  • This tool can be used with Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, or PostgreSQL only.

  • You cannot use delimiters, such as double quotation marks, when specifying the role. The role can only contain characters supported by the underlying database management system when provided without delimiters.


LabelExplanationData Type
Input Database Connection

The connection file to a database or enterprise geodatabase. Connect as a database administrator user.


The name of the database role to create. If it's an existing role, type the name for the role you want to add users to or remove them from.

Grant To or Revoke From User(s)

Specifies whether the role will be added to a user or list of users or a user or list of users will be removed from the role.

  • GRANTThe role will be granted to the specified user or users, making them a member of the role. This is the default.
  • REVOKEThe role will be revoked from the specified user or users, removing them from the role.
User Name(s)

The name of the user whose role membership will change. To specify multiple users, type the user names separated by commas (no spaces).


Derived Output

LabelExplanationData Type
Create Role Succeeded

Whether the tool completed successfully.



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