Analyze (Data Management)

AllSource 1.3    |


Updates database statistics of business tables, feature tables, and delta tables, along with the statistics of those tables' indexes.


  • This tool can only be used with data stored in an enterprise geodatabase.

  • After data loading, deleting, updating, and compressing operations, it is important to update RDBMS statistics in Oracle, SQL Server, DB2, or Informix databases.

  • This tool updates the statistics of business tables, feature tables, raster tables, adds table, and deletes table, along with the statistics on those tables' indexes.

  • The Components to Analyze parameter's Add Value button is used only in ModelBuilder. In ModelBuilder, where the preceding tool has not been run, or its derived data does not exist, the Components to Analyze parameter may not be populated with values. The Add Value button allows you to add expected value(s) so you can complete the tool's dialog box and continue to build your model.


LabelExplanationData Type
Input Dataset

The table or feature class to be analyzed.

Layer; Table View; Dataset
Components to Analyze

The component type to be analyzed.

  • BUSINESSUpdates business rules statistics.
  • FEATUREUpdates feature statistics.
  • RASTERUpdates statistics on raster tables.
  • ADDSUpdates statistics on added datasets.
  • DELETESUpdates statistics on deleted datasets.

Derived Output

LabelExplanationData Type
Output Dataset

The geodatabase input dataset with updated statistics.

Layer; Table View; Dataset


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