Alter Version (Data Management)

AllSource 1.3    |


Alters the properties of a geodatabase version.


  • Versioning tools only work with enterprise geodatabase data. File geodatabases do not support versioning.

  • When the input workspace is a database connection file, the version name, access, and target owner properties of a branch version can be altered by the geodatabase administrator. The version description can only be altered by the version owner.

  • License:
    When working with branch versioning in an ArcGIS Enterprise 11.2 or later deployment, organization members must be assigned a license for the ArcGIS Advanced Editing user type extension to use this tool.


LabelExplanationData Type
Input Workspace

The database connection file to the enterprise, workgroup, or desktop geodatabase where the version to be altered is located.

For branch versioning, use a feature service URL (that is, https://mysite.mydomain/server/rest/services/ElectricNetwork/FeatureServer) or the feature layer portal item.

Input Version

The name of the version to be altered. If altering a branch version from a database connection connected as the geodatabase administrator, the version name must also include the service name, for example, myservice.versionowner.versionname.

Version Name

The new name of the version.

Version Description

The new description of the version.

Access Permission

Specifies the access permission for the version. If no value is specified, the access permission will not be updated.

  • PrivateOnly the owner can view the version and modify available feature classes.
  • PublicAny user can view the version and modify available feature classes.
  • ProtectedAny user can view the version, but only the owner can modify available feature classes.
Target Owner

The name of the portal user to which the version ownership will be transferred. Ensure that the target owner user exists; the tool does not check the validity of the owner name specified. This parameter is only applicable for branch versions.


Derived Output

LabelExplanationData Type
Updated Geodatabase

The updated workspace.



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