Raster To Other Format (Conversion)

AllSource 1.3    |


Converts one or more raster datasets to a different format.


  • If any of the input rasters cannot be converted to the specified output format as a result of the limitations for that format—for example, supported pixel types or number of bands—an error will be returned. The tool will then proceed to the next input raster in the list.

  • If a name and format already exist in the output workspace, a number will be appended to the end to make the feature class unique (for example, landuse_1.tif).


LabelExplanationData Type
Input Rasters

The raster datasets to convert.

Raster Dataset; Raster Layer
Output Workspace

The folder where the raster dataset will be written.

Raster Format

Specifies the format that will be used for the output raster dataset.

  • BILThe output will be Esri BIL format.
  • BIPThe output will be Esri BIP format.
  • BMPThe output will be Microsoft BMP format.
  • BSQThe output will be Esri BSQ format.
  • CRFThe output will be CRF format.
  • ENVI DAT fileThe output will be ENVI DAT format.
  • GIFThe output will be GIF format.
  • Esri GridThe output will be Esri Grid format.
  • ERDAS IMAGINE fileThe output will be ERDAS IMAGINE format.
  • JPEG 2000The output will be JPEG 2000 format.
  • JPEGThe output will be JPEG format.
  • MRFThe output will be MRF format.
  • PNGThe output will be PNG format.
  • TIFFThe output will be TIFF format.

Derived Output

LabelExplanationData Type
Updated Output Workspace

The workspace containing the new rasters.


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