Convert LAS (Conversion)

AllSource 1.3    |


Converts .las, .zlas, and .laz files between different LAS compression methods, file versions, and point record formats.


  • This tool converts point cloud data in .las, .zlas, and .laz files. The output files can be created in a different file version and point record format, as long as the output supports the full range of classification codes and flags in the input. For example, if the input has file version 1.1 with point record format 1, it can be upgraded to file version 1.4 with point record format 6, but a version 1.4 file cannot be converted to an earlier version. Attributes from the input .las files that are not supported by the output will be lost.

  • This tool is for converting entire .las files. Any layer filter settings that may be defined for the input LAS dataset will be ignored. To filter points by any combination of classification codes, classification flags, and return values, use the Extract LAS tool.

  • Many .las, .zlas, and .laz files store the points in a manner that does not correspond with the spatial distribution of the data, resulting in a degraded display and analysis performance when reading the relatively scattered point records in a given spatial extent. The impact of this performance degradation is worsened by the size of the file being read: a large file with scattered records will take longer to process than a smaller file. It is recommended that you create the output files using the Rearrange Points option of the LAS Options parameter so that the binary records are stored in spatial clusters that are optimized for data access. This will usually improve performance. Rearranging points will extend this tool's overall processing time, as an intermediate .las file is created in the process, but the long-term advantages typically outweigh its one-time impact during file creation. The rearranged state of the data is also preserved in the .las file header and communicated in the .las file properties on the LAS dataset properties dialog box.


LabelExplanationData Type
Input LAS

The .las, .zlas, or .laz files that will be converted. Multiple files can be processed by specifying the folder containing the files or a LAS dataset.

Layer File; LAS Dataset Layer; Folder; File
Target Folder

The existing folder where the output files will be written.

File Version

Specifies the file version that will be used for the output files.

  • Same As InputThe output file version will be the same as the input. This is the default.
  • 1.0The base version for the LAS format that supported 256 class codes will be used.
  • 1.1The output file version will be 1.1. Class codes were reduced to 32, but support for classification flags was added.
  • 1.2The output file version will be 1.2. Support for red-green-blue (RGB) color channels and GPS time was added.
  • 1.3The output file version will be 1.3. Storage of lidar waveform data for point record formats that are not supported in the ArcGIS platform was added.
  • 1.4 The output file version will be 1.4. Support for coordinate system definition using Well Known Text (WKT) convention, 256 class codes, up to 15 discrete returns per pulse, higher precision scan angle, and overlap classification flag was added.
Point Format

Specifies the point record format that will be used for the output files. The available options will vary based on the output LAS format file version.

  • 0The base type for storing discrete LAS points that supports attributes such as lidar intensity, return values, scan angle, scan direction, and edge of flight line will be used.
  • 1GPS time is added to the attributes supported in point format 0, which will be used.
  • 2RGB values are added to the attributes supported in point format 0, which will be used.
  • 3RGB values and GPS time are added to the attributes supported in point format 0, which will be used.
  • 6The preferred base type for storing discrete LAS points in LAS file version 1.4 will be used.
  • 7RGB values are added to the attributes supported in point format 6, which will be used.
  • 8RGB and near-infrared values are added to the attributes supported in point format 6, which will be used.

Specifies whether the output files will be stored in a compressed or uncompressed format.

  • No CompressionOutput files will be in the uncompressed LAS format (*.las). This format supports edits to classification codes and flags. This is the default.
  • zLAS CompressionOutput files will be compressed in the zLAS format (*.zlas). This format supports edits to classification codes and flags.
  • LAZ CompressionOutput files will be compressed in the LAZ format (*.laz).
  • Edited zLAS to Non-Edited zLASEdited .zlas files will be converted to unedited .zlas files. Creating unedited *.zlas files preserves the classification edits while allowing the files to be usable in ArcGIS Pro 3.1 and earlier. When this option is used on a LAS dataset referencing any combination of .las files, edited .zlas files, and unedited .zlas files, only the edited .zlas files will be processed.
LAS Options

Specifies the modifications that will be made to the output files that will reduce their size and improve their performance in display and analysis.

  • Rearrange PointsPoints will be rearranged to improve display and analysis performance. Statistics will be automatically computed during this process. This is the default.
  • Remove Variable Length RecordsVariable-length records that are added after the header as well as the points records of each file will be removed.
  • Remove Extra BytesExtra bytes that may be present with each point from the input file will be removed.
Output LAS Dataset

The output LAS dataset referencing the newly created .las files.

LAS Dataset
Define Input Coordinate System

Specifies how the coordinate system of each input file will be defined.

  • No LAS FilesThe coordinate system of each input file will be defined by the information in its header. Any file that lacks spatial reference information will be treated as having an unknown coordinate system. This is the default.
  • All LAS FilesThe coordinate system of each input file will be defined by the Input Coordinate System parameter.
  • LAS Files with No Spatial ReferenceThe coordinate system of any input file that does not have spatial reference information in its header will be defined by the Input Coordinate System parameter.
  • No LAS FilesThe coordinate system of each input file will be defined by the information in its header. Any file that lacks spatial reference information will be treated as having an unknown coordinate system. This is the default.
  • All LAS FilesThe coordinate system of each input file will be defined by the in_coordinate_system parameter.
  • LAS Files with No Spatial ReferenceThe coordinate system of any input file that does not have spatial reference information in its header will be defined by the in_coordinate_system parameter.
Input Coordinate System

The coordinate system that will be used to define the spatial reference of some or all input files based on the Define Input Coordinate System parameter value.

Coordinate System

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