Surface Difference (3D Analyst)

AllSource 1.3    |


Calculate the displacement between two surfaces to determine where one is above, below or the same as the other surface.

Learn more about how Surface Difference works


  • The output will only represent the overlapping portions of the input surfaces.

  • Consider generating an output raster or TIN to evaluate the Z difference between the input and reference surface.

  • It's best if the horizontal and vertical coordinate systems of the input surfaces are the same.

  • The output feature class will have polygon features that will separate regions of the input surface by whether they are above, below, or the same as the reference plane. The feature's attribute table will have the following fields:

    • Volume—The volume of space between the input and reference surface that is bounded by the polygon. Volume will always be 0 for areas where the two surfaces are the same.
    • SArea—The surface area of the input surface that is bounded by the polygon.
    • Code—A numeric value that describes the spatial relationship of the surface to the reference plane. -1 indicates the surface is below the reference plane, 0 indicates the surface is the same as the reference plane, and 1 indicates the surface is above the reference plane.


LabelExplanationData Type
Input Surface

The triangulated surface whose relative displacement is being evaluated from the reference surface.

LAS Dataset Layer; Terrain Layer; TIN Layer
Reference Surface

The triangulated surface that will be used as the baseline for determining the relative displacement of the input surface.

LAS Dataset Layer; Terrain Layer; TIN Layer
Output Feature Class

The output feature class containing contiguous triangles and triangle parts that have the same classification grouped into polygons. The volume enclosed by each region of difference is listed in the attribute table.

Feature Class
Analysis Resolution

The resolution that will be used to generate the input surface. For a terrain dataset, this will correspond to its pyramid-level definitions, where the default of 0 represents full resolution. For a LAS dataset, this value represents the length of each side of the square area that will be used to thin the LAS point returns.

Reference Analysis Resolution

The resolution that will be used to generate the reference surface. For a terrain dataset, this will correspond to its pyramid-level definitions, where the default of 0 represents full resolution. For a LAS dataset, this value represents the length of each side of the square area that will be used to thin the LAS points returns.

Output Raster

The output raster surface whose values represent the input surface normalized against the reference surface. Positive values reflect areas where the input surface is above the reference surface, whereas negative values indicate the areas where the input surface is below the reference surface. The raster's values are derived from a TIN using linear interpolation.

Raster Dataset
Raster Cell Size

The cell size of the output raster.

Output TIN Folder

The folder location for storing one or more TIN surfaces whose values represent the difference between the input and reference surface.

Output TIN Base Name

The base name given to each output TIN surface. If one TIN dataset is not sufficient to represent the data, multiple TINs will be created with the same base name.

LAS Thinning Method

The method used to select a LAS point in each analysis window when applying an analysis resolution to thin the input LAS dataset surface. The resulting points will be used to construct a triangulated surface.

  • Closest to meanThe LAS point whose value is closest to the mean of all LAS points in the analysis window will be used. This is the default.
  • MinimumThe LAS point with the smallest z-value among all the LAS points in the analysis window.
  • MaximumThe LAS point with the highest z-value among all the LAS points in the analysis window.
Reference LAS Thinning Method

The method used to select a LAS point in each analysis window when applying an analysis resolution to thin the input LAS dataset surface. The resulting points will be used to construct a triangulated surface.

  • Closest to meanThe LAS point whose value is closest to the mean of all LAS points in the analysis window will be used. This is the default.
  • MinimumThe LAS point with the smallest z-value among all the LAS points in the analysis window.
  • MaximumThe LAS point with the highest z-value among all the LAS points in the analysis window.
Processing Extent

The extent of the data that will be evaluated.

  • Current Display Extent Map View—The extent will be based on the active map or scene.
  • Draw Extent Square and Finish—The extent will be based on a rectangle drawn on the map or scene.
  • Extent of a Layer Layer—The extent will be based on an active map layer. Choose an available layer or use the Extent of data in all layers option. Each map layer has the following options:

    • All Features Select All—The extent of all features.
    • Selected Features Area from Selected Features—The extent of the selected features.
    • Visible Features Extent Indicator—The extent of visible features.

  • Browse Browse—The extent will be based on a dataset.
  • Intersection of Inputs Intersect—The extent will be the intersecting extent of all inputs.
  • Union of Inputs Union—The extent will be the combined extent of all inputs.
  • Clipboard Paste—The extent can be copied to and from the clipboard.
    • Copy Extent Copy—Copies the extent and coordinate system to the clipboard.
    • Paste Extent Paste—Pastes the extent and coordinate system from the clipboard. If the clipboard does not include a coordinate system, the extent will use the map’s coordinate system.
  • Reset Extent Reset—The extent will be reset to the default value.

When coordinates are manually provided, the coordinates must be numeric values and in the active map's coordinate system. The map may use different display units than the provided coordinates. Use a negative value sign for south and west coordinates.

Processing Boundary

The polygon feature or features that will define the area to be processed.

Feature Layer

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