Build Terrain (3D Analyst)

AllSource 1.3    |


Performs tasks required for analyzing and displaying a terrain dataset.


  • This tool will need to be used after initially defining the features that participate in a terrain, making subsequent modifications to the features that participate in the terrain, or modifying the terrain pyramid definition.

  • It is more efficient to make a collection of edits followed by one build rather than running a build after each individual edit.


LabelExplanationData Type
Input Terrain

The terrain dataset that will be processed.

Terrain Layer
Update Extent

Recalculates the data extent of a window-size-based terrain dataset when the data area has been reduced through editing. It is not needed if the data extent has increased or if the terrain dataset is z-tolerance based. It will scan through all the terrain data to determine the new extent.

  • NO_UPDATE_EXTENT The extent of the terrain dataset will not be recalculated. This is the default.
  • UPDATE_EXTENT The extent of the terrain dataset will be recalculated.

Derived Output

LabelExplanationData Type
Updated Input Terrain

The updated terrain.

Terrain Layer

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