Transfer Geodatabase Field Properties (Environment setting)

AllSource 1.3    |

Tools that honor the Transfer Geodatabase Field Properties environment will transfer domains, subtypes, attribute rules, field groups, and contingent values from the input dataset's fields to the output dataset's fields.

Usage notes

  • Transferring domains, subtypes, attribute rules, field groups, and contingent values to the output of the geoprocessing operation will take additional time (resulting in slower performance). Only use this environment setting if domains, subtypes, attribute rules, field groups, and contingent values are specifically needed in the output.

Dialog syntax

  • Checked—Geodatabase field properties are transferred to the output.
  • Unchecked—Geodatabase field properties are not transferred to the output. This is the default.

Scripting syntax

arcpy.env.transferGDBAttributeProperties = transfer_attributes



Geodatabase field properties are transferred to the output.


Geodatabase field properties are not transferred to the output. This is the default.

transferGDBAttributeProperties syntax

Script example

import arcpy

# Set the transferGDBAttributeProperties environment to True
arcpy.env.transferGDBAttributeProperties = True