Bookmark map series and dynamic elements

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You can enhance a bookmark map series by adding dynamic elements to the layout. Dynamic elements update in response to changes in the project, data, or map extent. A bookmark map series has a different map extent for each page, so using dynamic elements provides information specific to that page.

North arrows, scale bars, and grids are dynamic elements that behave the same for layouts with and without map series. Dynamic text, legends, table frames, and chart frames have specific properties that can be useful in a bookmark map series.

Dynamic text

Dynamic text is text that changes based on the current properties of the project, map frame, and so on. It works through the use of tags, like HTML. There are many dynamic text tags for layouts, displaying information such as the map frame name, the average value of a field, and map metadata. Bookmark map series have additional tags unique to bookmark and map series properties. For example, you can display the map series page number using dynamic text.


Since dynamic text is updated per page and the length of that text may vary, consider applying a text fitting strategy to ensure that text doesn't get cut off on different pages.

To add dynamic text, on the Insert tab, in the Graphics and Text group, click the Dynamic Text button Add Dynamic Text. This opens a gallery of dynamic text tags. Select one to add it to your layout. The map series-specific tags are listed under the Map Series group.

The following tags are available for a bookmark map series:

NameDescriptionExample syntaxExample output

Page Name

The page name, which is the same as the bookmark name.

<dyn type="page" property="name"/>

Bookmark 1

Page Number

The page number, as defined by the map series page number option.

Page <dyn type="page" property="number"/>

Page 1

Page With Count

The page index of the current page and the total number of pages.

The page index tag ignores the starting page number setting. If you have 10 map series pages and the starting page number is set to 3, the first page is listed as Page 1 of 10.

This is actually two dynamic text tags, one for the page index and one for the map series page count.

Page <dyn type="page" property="index"/> of <dyn type="page" property="count"/>

Page 1 of 10

Page Index

The page index, which is the sequential order of the page in the map series. It ignores any page number or group settings.

<dyn type="page" property="index"/>



The bookmark description.

<dyn type="page" property="description"/>

The oldest homes are located here, in the northwest corner of the city near the river.

For more information on using dynamic text tags, see Dynamic text tags.

Legends, table frames, and chart frames

Legends, table frames, and chart frames have an option to show all the data, or only show the data visible in the current map extent. Limiting the displayed data to the current map extent makes these elements dynamic, so they update for each page. It also helps focus the page on the visible data.


For legends, the option to limit data visibility is set for legend items, not the entire legend. A legend can contain items that are always visible and items that are only visible if they are within the map frame extent. If the legend item is for a feature with multiple classes, such as a layer symbolized by unique values, this option applies to the classes within the item. To set this option, complete the following steps:

  1. In the Contents pane, expand the legend to see the legend items.
  2. Right-click a legend item and choose Properties to open the Element pane.
  3. Check Only show features visible in the map extent.

Table frame

For table frames, the number of records displayed is determined by setting the table frame Query option. To set the query, complete the following steps:

  1. In the Contents pane, right-click a table frame and choose Properties to open the Element pane.
  2. In the Element pane, choose a query type from the Query drop-down menu.
    All rows

    Show all the records in the table.

    Visible rows

    Show only the records for features visible in the map extent.

Chart frame

For chart frames, the number of points included can be filtered to the visible extent. To set this, complete the following steps:

  1. Right-click a chart frame in the Contents pane and choose Properties to open the Element pane.
  2. Check Only show features visible in the map extent.