24132: Floor-aware properties will not be included

AllSource 1.2    |

You are sharing a web map or a web scene configured with floor-aware map or layer properties. These properties will not be included in the web map for one or more of the following reasons:

  • Your portal is not licensed for ArcGIS Indoors.
  • Your portal version is not supported. Floor-aware map properties are supported in ArcGIS Enterprise 10.9.1 or later and ArcGIS Online.
  • The web map configuration is set to either Reference registered data: Visualization or Copy all data: Visualization.


Use one of the following solutions:

  • Contact your portal administrator and confirm that your organization has a license for either the ArcGIS Indoors extension or the ArcGIS Indoors Maps organization extension for the portal.
  • Ensure that your organization has a license for the ArcGIS Indoors organization extension if your portal has an earlier release of the Indoors licensing model than ArcGIS Pro 3.3.
  • Connect to a portal that is licensed with the ArcGIS Indoors extension for ArcGIS AllSource.
  • If you selected Visualization for your web map configuration, change the selection to either Exploratory or Editable.
  • Do nothing. The floor-aware map properties will not be included in your web map, web layers, or web scene.

More information

Learn more at Analyze your GIS resource.