20055: Feature binning functionality will be dropped

AllSource 1.2    |

The map includes a layer that draws with feature bins. Feature binning is not supported when doing one of the following:

  • Sharing a map image layer that copies all data
  • Sharing a map image layer that references registered data to an ArcGIS Enterprise 10.7 or earlier portal
  • Packaging a project or creating a project template with the Share outside of organization check box checked
  • Packaging a map or layer with the Include Enterprise and UNC Path Data check box checked


To resolve this, do one of the following:

  • Share a map image layer that references registered data to an ArcGIS Enterprise 10.7.1 or later portal.
  • If packaging a project or creating a project template, uncheck Share outside of organization.
  • If packaging a map or layer, uncheck Include Enterprise and UNC Path Data.
  • Remove the layer if it is not needed.
  • Do nothing. The feature binning functionality will be dropped from the layer.

More information

When you share a binned feature layer in a project package, map package, project template, or as a layer package and want to include data in the package, feature binning functionality is dropped. When you open the package, no bins will be present. To retain bin functionality when the package is opened in ArcGIS AllSource, do not include data when sharing the package.

When publishing or sharing a map with a binned feature layer, follow this guidance:

  • The ArcGIS Server version must be 10.7.1 or later.
  • Share as a map image layer.
  • Have the data source registered to the server data store.
  • Do not choose to copy all data.

When a map with binned feature layers is shared as vector tile layers, feature binning will be dropped.

For more information, see Work with binned feature layers and Analyze your GIS resource.