00379: Materialized view cannot be created for <value>

AllSource 1.2    |

You are sharing a query layer from a cloud data warehouse as a map image layer or web feature layer with the option to create a materialized view selected. A materialized view cannot be created.

The <value> parameter refers to the layer or stand-alone table name.

A materialized view cannot be created if the SQL statement of the query layer does not follow supported syntax and requirements. Since the reasons a materialized view cannot be created depend on the specific cloud data warehouse vender and vary on a case-by-case basis, providing a list of unsupported cases is not practical. For information about how to resolve issues with creating materialized views, see the documentation provided by your cloud data warehouse vendor.


Do one of the following:

  • Examine and revise the SQL statement of the query layer to ensure it meets the supported syntax and requirements of your cloud data warehouse vender.
  • If the size of the table will not greatly impact performance, consider changing the data source option to access data directly from the database.

    Hover over the analyzer message. Click the Options button Options that appears and click Show Data Source Option. Under Data Source, ensure Create a materialized view or access data directly is selected. Click the drop-down menu in the Option column next to the layer or stand-alone table name and select Access data directly. The service will reference the data stored in the database.

  • If you are sharing a map image layer and creating a snapshot that can be refreshed on demand is an acceptable alternative to creating a materialized view, change the data source option.

    Hover over the analyzer message. Click the Options button Options that appears and click Show Data Source Option. Under Data Source, click Create a snapshot for query layers. A snapshot will be created for all supported query layers of the service and stored in the relational data store on the hosting server.

To learn more about the data source options, see Configure a map image layer or Configure a web feature layer.

Additional information

For more information, see Create a query layer for data in a cloud data warehouse and Analyze your GIS resource.