Divide a polyline by a value

AllSource 1.2    |

Divide Divide divides a selected polyline feature into two or more features at a specified distance, multiple equal distances, varying distances, or a percentage of the total length. This tool is available in the Modify Features pane.

When you use this tool, consider the following:

  • Dividing a z-enabled polyline feature adds vertices with interpolated z-values and preserves the angular pitch of the split segments in 3D space.
  • Attribute values from the original feature are copied to the new features. Attributes constrained by attribute domains are determined by the domain split policy defined by the source geodatabase.

Specify distances

Distance Distance divides a selected polyline feature into two or more features at a specified distance, or multiple features at varying distances entered as rows in a table.

If you divide COGO lines, consider the following:

  • If the source polyline feature class is COGO enabled, the distance values you enter are stored with the resulting divided lines in the Distance or Arclength attribute field.
  • If ground to grid corrections is turned on and the selected line does not have a distance or arclength value, then the distance values you enter are scaled by the active distance factor.

  1. On the ribbon, click the Edit tab. In the Features group, click Modify Modify Features.
  2. In the Modify Features pane, click Divide Divide.

    To find the tool, expand Divide, or type Divide in the Search text box.

  3. In the tool pane, click Select one or more features Active Select and select a polyline feature.

    To change the selection method click the drop-down arrow.

    To remove features from the selection in the pane selection view, right-click a feature and click Unselect Clear Selected, or click Only Select This List By Selection to keep the feature and remove all others from the selection.

    After selecting a feature, the tool pane shows the Method tabs and the total length of the selected feature is reported at the bottom of the pane.
  4. Check or uncheck Show Preview.


    Preview the new polylines on-screen before modifying the feature.


    Modify the feature and do not show a preview.

  5. In the Method section, click Distance Distance.
  6. In the Direction section, choose the direction from which to measure the values and divide the feature.

    From start of line From start

    Divide the feature starting from the first point of the polyline.

    From end of line From end

    Divide the feature starting from the last point of the polyline.

  7. In the Values section, click one of the tabs described in the following table and enter the required values for distance and number of repetitions.

    As you enter values, information about the sum length of your distance values and the remaining length updates at the bottom of the pane.

    Single Distance Single Distance

    In the Distance field, enter a single distance at which the feature is to be divided.


    If you divide COGO-enabled features, ground to grid corrections are used only if it is turned on and there is no existing COGO value on the selected feature.

    If there is an existing COGO value on the selected feature, then it is used to proportion the resulting lengths, and to compute the COGO distance attribute on the remainder by subtracting the entered value from the original value.

    Equal Distances Equal Distances

    In the Distance field enter the distance at which the divisions are to be created. In the Repetition field, enter the number of divisions to create at this distance.

    The remaining distance is added the last feature in the sequence. To distribute the remaining length equally to each feature, check the Distribute remaining length equally check box.


    If you divide COGO-enabled features and distribute the remaining length equally, ground to grid corrections and existing COGO values are ignored.

    If you divide COGO-enabled features and do not distribute the remaining length equally, the existing COGO value on the selected feature is used to proportion the lengths.

    Varying Distances Varying Distances

    In the Distance field enter the distance at which the first set of divisions are to be created. In the Repetition field, enter the number of divisions to create at this distance.

    To enter another sequence of divisions, click Click to add new row. Each row creates divisions measured from the last division created by the previous row.

    The remaining distance is added the last feature in the sequence. To distribute the remaining length among the features, check the Distribute remaining length proportionally check box.

    Each entered length is divided by the sum total of all entered lengths. The resulting ratios are used to determine how the remaining length is distributed to the corresponding geometry lengths.


    If you divide COGO-enabled features and distribute the remaining length proportionally, ground to grid corrections and existing COGO values are ignored.

    If you divide COGO-enabled features and do not distribute the remaining length proportionally, the existing COGO value on the selected feature is used to proportion the lengths.

  8. Click Divide.

Specify equal parts

Equal Parts Equal Parts divides a selected polyline feature into a specified number of features. The length of each new feature is calculated by the tool.

  1. On the ribbon, click the Edit tab. In the Features group, click Modify Modify Features.
  2. In the Modify Features pane, click Divide Divide.

    To find the tool, expand Divide, or type Divide in the Search text box.

  3. Select a polyline feature using the pointer.

    By default, the selection tool is active with the selection method currently enabled on the Edit tab, in the Snapping group.

    • To change the selection, click the Change the selection tool Active Select and select the feature.
    • To refine the selection in the pane selection view, right-click a feature and click one of the following commands:


      Only Select This List By Selection.

      Keep the selected feature and remove all others from the selection.

      Unselect Clear Selected.

      Remove the selected feature from the selection.

    After selecting a feature, the tool pane shows the Method tabs and the total length of the selected feature is reported at the bottom of the pane.
  4. Check or uncheck the Show Preview check box.


    Preview the new polylines on-screen before modifying the feature.


    Modify the feature and do not show a preview.

  5. In the Method section, click Equal Parts Equal Parts.
  6. In the Values section, click the Number of parts arrow and increment or decrement the number of polyline features you want to create. Alternatively, click the box and enter the number.

    As you change the value, information is actively updated at the bottom of the pane about the length of each part. If Show Preview is enabled, the feature highlights in the map with arrows previewing your edits.

  7. Click Divide.

Specify a percentage

Percentage Percentage divides a selected polyline feature into two polyline features. The length of the first polyline equals the specified percentage of the total length. The remaining length is applied to the second feature.

  1. On the ribbon, click the Edit tab. In the Features group, click Modify Modify Features.
  2. In the Modify Features pane, click Divide Divide.

    To find the tool, expand Divide, or type Divide in the Search text.

  3. Select a polyline feature using the pointer.

    By default, the selection tool is active with the selection method currently enabled on the Edit tab, in the Snapping group.

    • To change the selection, click the Change the selection tool Active Select and select the feature.
    • To refine the selection in the pane selection view, right-click a feature and click one of the following commands:


      Only Select This List By Selection.

      Keep the selected feature and remove all others from the selection.

      Unselect Clear Selected.

      Remove the selected feature from the selection.

    After selecting a feature, the tool pane shows the Method tabs and the total length of the selected feature is reported at the bottom of the pane.
  4. Check or uncheck Show Preview.


    Preview the new polylines on-screen before modifying the feature.


    Modify the feature and do not show a preview.

  5. In the Method section, click Percentage Percentage.
  6. In the Direction section, choose the direction from which to measure the values and divide the feature.

    From start of line From start

    Divide the feature starting from the first point of the polyline.

    From end of line From end

    Divide the feature starting from the last point of the polyline.

  7. In the Values section, click the Percentage arrow and increment or decrement the percentage of the total length of the polyline feature you want the new feature to contain. Alternatively, click the field and enter the number.

    As you change the value, information is actively updated at the bottom of the pane about the length of the first and second part. If Show Preview is enabled, the feature highlights in the map with arrows previewing your edits.

  8. Click Divide.