Customize an output coordinate format

AllSource 1.2    |

The default format of an output coordinate may not be the way another system is designed to receive the information. You can customize the output formatting of converted coordinates so they match that of another system or what a user needs.

  1. On the ribbon, click the Map tab.
  2. In the Inquiry group, click Coordinate Conversion Coordinate Conversion.
  3. In the Coordinate Conversion pane, click the Add button Add in the Output formats table header.

    The Add New Output Coordinate window appears.

  4. Choose a coordinate type from the Category list.
  5. Expand Advanced.
  6. In the Advanced text box, insert or delete characters or spaces to change the way the coordinate is displayed.


    For DD, DDM, and DMS, 0 represents a digit, whereas # represents a significant digit (not zero). For example, the default format for DD is Y0.0#####N X0.0#####E, which shows a minimum of one decimal point, but up to six significant digits. If you have an input coordinate of 45.002N, 40.300W, it defaults to 45.002N, 40.3W in the output because there is only one significant digit. If you customize the formatting to Y0.0000##N X0.0000##E in the Advanced text box, the output changes to 45.0020N, 40.30000W.

    For DD, DDM, and DMS, you have the option of using +/- for hemisphere indicators. To use +/- as hemisphere indicators, place the desired character after the A for latitude and after the X for longitude. You can use both characters, for example, A+-0° B0' C0.0#"N X+-0° Y0' Z0.0#"E if you want to always display a +/- value for the hemisphere. You can also use only one of the characters. For example, positive values are often displayed without an indicator, and only negative indicators are shown. To do this, follow the format of A-0° B0' C0.0#"N X-0° Y0' Z0.0#"E. You have the option of also removing the alpha hemisphere indicator by removing it and following the format of A-0° B0' C0.0#" X-0° Y0' Z0.0#".

    Letters and spacing also change the display of the output coordinates. For example, the default output format for MGRS coordinates is similar to 11SMU4217517182. However, you can add spaces, for example: 11S MU 42175 17182, or you can format it to drop the Grid Zone Designator by removing the letter Z, so the output is similar to: MU4217517182.

  7. Enter a name or accept the default for the coordinate format in the Name text box.

    All format names must be unique.

  8. Click OK.