Use advanced labeling for a continuous raster dataset

AllSource 1.2    |

When using the stretched renderer, you can use advanced labeling to better convey the data that you are displaying. Advanced labeling allows you to set your own labels and create your own color schemes. You can set your own labels so that users can see where particular values are located along your color scheme. Once you set your values, you can choose an existing color scheme or create your own.

Once you have set up your labels, choose the color scheme. To create your own color scheme, click each color patch and edit it to establish the color for each value. As you edit each symbol, the color scheme automatically interpolates the colors between two color patches.


Advanced labeling and dynamic range adjustment (DRA) cannot be implemented at the same time. When DRA is turned on, the Advanced Labeling subtab is not available.

Label your values

Setting custom intervals allows you to specify which values are labeled on your color scheme.

  1. In the Contents pane, choose the raster layer to display with an advanced legend.
  2. On the Raster Layer, Mosaic Layer, or Image service Layer tab, click the Symbology button.
  3. In the Symbology pane, choose Stretch.
  4. Optionally, if the raster dataset has multiple bands, choose the band to stretch.
  5. Click the Advanced Labeling tab.
  6. Type the number of intervals in the text box and press Enter. The minimum value is 2, so three values appear in your color ramp: the minimum value and two additional class breaks.
  7. Double-click a value in the table that you want to edit. Type the custom value in the text box and press Enter.

    You cannot edit the minimum or maximum value.

  8. Optionally, double-click a label to edit it.
  9. Choose the appropriate color scheme.
    • Choose an existing color scheme from the Color scheme drop-down list.
    • Double-click the color patch and choose a color for that value. The new color is reflected in the color scheme.
  10. Click Apply to accept the labels and color scheme.

In this topic
  1. Label your values