Colocation Analysis (Spatial Statistics)

AllSource 1.2    |


Measures local patterns of spatial association, or colocation, between two categories of point features using the colocation quotient statistic.

Learn more about how Colocation Analysis works


Colocation Analysis diagram


  • This tool only accepts point features. The categories you want to analyze can be contained in the same or two separate datasets. You can also use two separate datasets to be considered as categories. For example, you may have a point dataset with many types of restaurants that will only be considered as category RESTAURANTS and another point dataset containing many types of crimes that will only be considered as category CRIMES.

  • The tool will determine, for each feature of the Category of Interest, whether the features of the Neighboring Category are more or less present in its neighborhood compared to the overall spatial distribution of the categories. For example, for each feature of category A, a resulting local colocation quotient (LCLQ) value of 1 means that you are as likely to have category B as a neighbor as you might expect. A LCLQ value greater than 1 means you are more likely (than random) to have B as a neighbor, and a LCLQ value less than 1 means that the feature of category A is less likely to have a category B point as your neighbor (than a random distribution).


    The colocation relationship of this analysis is not symmetric. The colocation quotient values calculated when comparing category A to category B will be different than the colocation quotient values calculated when comparing category B to category A.

    Also, if you have category C in your neighborhood, the resulting colocation quotients will be different than if you only had categories A and B. Depending on the question you are asking, it may be important to create a subset of your data to include only categories A and B. However, when creating a subset, you are losing information about the other categories present. Selecting and creating a subset of your data is important in cases in which you are sure that the occurrence of one category is not at all affected by the occurrence of another.

  • Spatial relationships can be defined using a Distance band, K nearest neighbors, or a spatial weights matrix file through the Neighborhood Type parameter.

  • You can analyze your data using space time windows by specifying the Time Field of Interest, Time Field of Neighboring Categories, and Temporal Relationship Type parameters. Using space time windows, you can control which features are included in the neighborhood analyzed. Features that are near each other in space and time will be analyzed together because all feature relationships are assessed relative to the location and time stamp of the target feature. You can also specify whether the tool searches for features before or after the target feature, or you can create a time span during which the tool will search for features before and after the target feature being analyzed.

  • The Number of Permutations parameter is used to calculate p-values. Choosing the number of permutations is a balance between precision and increased processing time. While the default is 99 permutations, it is recommended that you increase the number of permutations for your final analysis results.

  • A global colocation quotient can also be calculated by specifying a path for the Output Table for Global Relationships parameter. This table contains colocation quotients so you can analyze the measures of spatial association between all categories in your dataset. This allows you to explore other relationships in your data, as you may find other strongly colocated categories globally. If you do find other strongly colocated categories, you can extend your analysis by either exploring the local nature of that relationship by running the tool again with those categories of interest or running the tool again by removing those categories from the analysis if you think the strongly colocated categories are introducing unnecessary bias in your results.

  • The output of this tool is a map displaying each of the Input Features of Interest symbolized by whether they were significantly colocated with or isolated from the Input Neighboring Features. The tool adds fields to the Output Features including the Local Colocation Quotient calculated, p-value, LCLQ Bin used for symbolization, and the LCLQ Type. An optional Output Table for Global Relationships can be specified that will report the global colocation quotients between all the categories in the Field of Interest parameter and all the categories present in the Field Containing Neighboring Category parameter.

  • This tool supports parallel processing and uses 50 percent of available processors by default. The number of processors can be increased or decreased using the Parallel Processing Factor environment.


LabelExplanationData Type
Input Type

Specifies whether the Input Features of Interest will come from the same dataset with specified categories, different datasets with specified categories, or different datasets that will be treated as their own category (for example, one dataset with all points representing cheetahs and a second dataset in which all points represent gazelles).

  • Single datasetThe categories to be analyzed exist in a field in a single dataset.
  • Two datasetsThe categories to be analyzed exist in fields of separate datasets.
  • Datasets without categoriesTwo separate datasets representing two categories will be analyzed.
Input Features of Interest

The feature class containing points with representative categories.

Feature Layer
Output Features

The output feature class containing all the Input Features of Interest with fields containing the resulting local colocation quotient, symbology bin, and p-values.

Feature Class
Field of Interest

The field containing the category or categories to be analyzed.

Time Field of Interest

A date field with an optional time stamp for each feature to analyze points using a space-time window. Features near each other in space and time will be considered neighbors and will be analyzed together.

Category of Interest

The base category for the analysis. The tool will identify, for each Category of Interest value, the degree to which the base category is attracted to or colocated with the Neighboring Category.

Input Neighboring Features

The input feature class containing the points with the categories that will be compared.

Feature Layer
Field Containing Neighboring Category

The field from the Input Neighboring Features parameter containing the category to be compared.

Time Field of Neighboring Features

A date field with a time stamp for each feature to analyze your points using a space-time window. Features near each other in space and time will be considered neighbors and will be analyzed together.

Neighboring Category

The neighboring category for the analysis. The tool will identify the degree to which the Category of Interest is attracted to or isolated from the Neighboring Category.

Neighborhood Type

Specifies how the spatial relationships among features are defined.

  • Distance bandEach feature will be analyzed within the context of neighboring features. Neighboring features inside the specified critical distance specified by the Distance Band parameter receive a weight of one and exert influence on computations for the target feature. Neighboring features outside the critical distance receive a weight of zero and have no influence on a target feature's computations.
  • K nearest neighborsThe closest k features will be included in the analysis as neighbors. The number of neighbors is specified by the Number of Neighbors parameter. This is the default.
  • Get spatial weights from fileWhen Single dataset is used as the Input Tpe, spatial relationships will be defined by a specified spatial weights matrix file. The path to the spatial weights file is specified by the Weight Matrix File parameter.
Number of Neighbors

The number of neighbors around each feature that will be used to test for local relationships between categories. If no value is provided, the default of 8 is used. The provided value must be large enough to detect the relationships between features but small enough to still identify local patterns.

Distance Band

The neighborhood size is a constant or fixed distance for each feature. All features within this distance will be used to test for local relationships between categories. If no value is provided, the distance used will be the average distance at which each feature has at least eight neighbors.

Linear Unit
Weight Matrix File

The path to a file containing weights that define spatial, and potentially temporal, relationships among features.

Temporal Relationship Type

Specifies how temporal relationships among features will be defined.

  • BeforeThe time window will extend back in time for each of the Input Features of Interest values. Neighboring features must have a date/time stamp that occurs before the date/time stamp of the feature of interest to be included in the analysis. This is the default.
  • AfterThe time window will extend forward in time for each of the Input Features of Interest values. Neighboring features must have a date/time stamp that occurs after the date/time stamp of the feature of interest to be included in the analysis.
  • SpanThe time window will extend both back and forward in time for each of the Input Features of Interest values. Neighboring features that have a date/time stamp that occurs within the Time Step Interval value either before or after the date/time stamp of the feature of interest will be included in the analysis. For example, if the Time Step Interval parameter is set to 1 week, the window will look 1 week before and 1 week after the target feature.
Time Step Interval

An integer and unit of measurement representing the number of time units composing the time window.

Time Unit
Number of Permutations

The number of permutations that will be used to create a reference distribution. Choosing the number of permutations is a balance between precision and increased processing time. Choose your preference of speed versus precision. More robust and precise results take longer to calculate.

  • 99The analysis will use 99 permutations. With 99 permutations, the smallest possible pseudo p-value is 0.02 and all other pseudo p-values will be multiples of this value. This is the default.
  • 199The analysis will use 199 permutations. With 199 permutations, the smallest possible pseudo p-value is 0.01 and all other pseudo p-values will be even multiples of this value.
  • 499The analysis will use 499 permutations. With 499 permutations, the smallest possible pseudo p-value is 0.004 and all other pseudo p-values will be even multiples of this value.
  • 999The analysis will use 999 permutations. With 999 permutations, the smallest possible pseudo p-value is 0.002 and all other pseudo p-values will be even multiples of this value.
  • 9999The analysis will use 9,999 permutations. With 9,999 permutations, the smallest possible pseudo p-value is 0.0002 and all other pseudo p-values will be even multiples of this value.
Local Weighting Scheme

Specifies the kernel type that will be used to provide the spatial weighting. The kernel defines how each feature is related to other features within its neighborhood.

  • BisquareFeatures will be weighted based on the distance to the farthest neighbor or the edge of the distance band, and a weight of 0 will be assigned to any feature outside the neighborhood specified.
  • GaussianFeatures will be weighted based on the distance to the farthest neighbor or the edge of the distance band but drop off more quickly than the Bisquare option. A weight of 0 will be assigned to any feature outside the neighborhood specified. This is the default.
  • NoneNo weighting scheme will be applied, and all features within the neighborhood will be given a weight of 1 and contribute equally. All features outside the neighborhood will be given a weight of 0.
Output Table for Global Relationships

A table that includes the global colocation quotients between all the categories in the Field of Interest parameter and all the categories in the Field Containing Neighboring Category parameter. This table can help you determine the local categories to analyze.

If Datasets without categories is used as the Input Type parameter value, global colocation quotients will be calculated for each dataset and between each dataset.
