An overview of the Space Time Pattern Analysis toolset

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Using the analytical and statistical tools in the Space Time Pattern Analysis toolset, you can identify patterns and interrogate the data in a space-time cube. After the space-time cube is created, use these analysis tools to gain a better understanding of the data aggregated in the cube.


See Visualize the space-time cube for strategies to view cube contents.

The Space Time Cube Explorer add-in that's available on the Spatial Statistics Resources page can also be used to visualize space-time cube contents and analysis results in 2D and 3D by automatically setting up time and range sliders and providing a variety of display theme options.


Change Point Detection

Detects time steps when a statistical property of the time series changes for each location of a space-time cube.

Emerging Hot Spot Analysis

Identifies trends in the clustering of point densities (counts) or values in a space-time cube created using either the Create Space Time Cube By Aggregating Points, Create Space Time Cube From Defined Locations or Create Space Time Cube from Multidimensional Raster Layer tool. Categories include new, consecutive, intensifying, persistent, diminishing, sporadic, oscillating, and historical hot and cold spots.

Local Outlier Analysis

Identifies statistically significant clusters and outliers in the context of both space and time. This tool is a space-time implementation of the Anselin Local Moran's I statistic.

Time Series Clustering

Partitions a collection of time series, stored in a space-time cube, based on the similarity of time series characteristics. Time series can be clustered based on three criteria: having similar values across time, tending to increase and decrease at the same time, and having similar repeating patterns. The output of this tool is a 2D map displaying each location in the cube symbolized by cluster membership and messages. The output also includes charts containing information about the representative time series signature for each cluster.

Time Series Cross Correlation

Calculates the cross correlation at various time lags between two time series stored in a space-time cube.

Additional resources

The Spatial Statistics Resources page contains a variety of resources to help you use the Spatial Statistics and Space Time Pattern Mining tools, including the following:

  • Hands-on tutorials
  • Workshop videos and presentations
  • Training and web seminars
  • Links to books, articles, and technical papers
  • Sample scripts and case studies

In this topic
  1. Additional resources