An overview of the Caching toolset

AllSource 1.2    |

The Caching toolset contains tools that work with map image and web imagery layers in ArcGIS Enterprise or with cached map or image services on a stand-alone server.


Convert Map Server Cache Storage Format

Converts the storage of a map image layer or a map or image service cache between the exploded format and the compactV2 format.

Create Map Server Cache

Creates the tiling scheme and preparatory folders for a map or image service cache. After running this tool, use the Manage Map Server Cache Tiles tool to add tiles to the cache.

Delete Map Server Cache

Export Map Server Cache

Generate Map Server Cache Tiling Scheme

Import Map Server Cache

Manage Map Server Cache Scales

Updates the scale levels in an existing map image layer in ArcGIS Enterprise or in a cached map or image service on a stand-alone server. Use this tool to add new scales or delete existing scales from a cache.

Manage Map Server Cache Status

Manage Map Server Cache Tiles

Creates and updates tiles in an existing web tile layer cache (in ArcGIS Enterprise or ArcGIS Online), map image layers in ArcGIS Enterprise, and cached map or image services in a stand-alone server. This tool is used to create new tiles, replace missing tiles, overwrite outdated tiles, and delete tiles.