Interpolate From Spatiotemporal Points (Image Analyst)

AllSource 1.2    |

Available with Image Analyst license.


Interpolates temporal point data into a multidimensional raster.


  • The points are grouped by time using the Temporal Aggregation parameter.

  • All points within a temporal period are used for interpolation to create a slice in the output multidimensional raster.

  • The result of this tool is a multidimensional raster that contains the variable interpolated across time and space.

  • The tool supports the following interpolation methods:

    • IDW—The output is calculated from the average of points weighted by their inverse distance to the power of 2. The search radius is 20 times the output cell size.
    • Triangulation—The output is calculated using a linear interpolation from a triangulated irregular network constructed from the input points.
    • Mean—The output is calculated using the average of input points.
    • Median—The output is calculated using the median of input points.
    • Natural neighbor—The output is calculated using a natural neighbor interpolation from a triangulated irregular network constructed from the input points.
    • Nearest neighbor—The output is calculated using the nearest point from the center of the output cell.
    • Quadratic—The output is calculated using a quadratic function:

      Quadratic equation

      Where x,y are the location of the measurement's points, t is the time of measurements. The function is fit to all measurements within an output cell and the coefficients are estimated using an iterative least squares approach. The output value for each cell is estimated from the quadratic function given the center coordinate of the output cell and dates.


LabelExplanationData Type
Input Temporal Dataset

The input point layer, trajectory layer, or trajectory dataset.

Trajectory Layer; Feature Layer; Mosaic Dataset; Mosaic Layer
Variable Field

A field containing variable values.

Time Field

A field containing time values.

Temporal Aggregation

Specifies the temporal aggregation of the output multidimensional raster. The interpolation algorithm uses all available data within these time periods to calculate the output slice.

  • DailyThe data values will be aggregated into daily time steps. This is the default.
  • WeeklyThe data values will be aggregated into weekly time steps.
  • MonthlyThe data values will be aggregated into monthly time steps.
  • QuarterlyThe data values will be aggregated into quarterly time steps.
  • YearlyThe data values will be aggregated into yearly time steps.

The output cell size. By default, the cell size will be the shorter of the width or the height of the input point feature extent, divided by 250.

Interpolation Method

Specifies the interpolation method that will be used.

  • IDWInverse distance weighted interpolation will be used.
  • TriangulationTriangulation interpolation will be used.
  • MeanMean interpolation will be used.
  • Median Median interpolation will be used.
  • Natural NeighborNatural neighbor interpolation will be used.
  • Nearest NeighborNearest neighbor interpolation will be used.
  • QuadraticQuadratic interpolation will be used.

Return Value

LabelExplanationData Type
Output Raster

The output multidimensional raster dataset.

Raster Dataset

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